So apparently it's a DW day, and will probably continue to be that way on my friends page for the next couple of days. Really though, are that many mirrors really necessary? Yes, of course they're appreciated, but after a while people don't need that many links
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Comments 17
I totally get your hangups about friending people on LJ--I am the same way. Hell, I've been on here for over three years and I have only recently added a few new friends who aren't people I know in RL. Snail's pace? Yes, please.
We can be losers together.
Sweet. One of us! One of us! Oh my god that's why I don't have friends. :(
And your icon? PERFECT. On that subject- you got extra icons, right? Did you end up with 100 total, or 100-plus the number you had before?
I get to work at 7 and that's awful enough, so I really sympathize with you at 6. Yuck!
And I would loooove to see that list when you get it done!!
PS - the insane amount of DW mirrors is unnecessary.
It's just funny because I'm the farthest from "morning person" a person can be. In fact, I'm nearly totally nocturnal. It's going to be interesting.
If I ever do get it done, it'll be right here.
Thank you. And the poor mod of the community... Glad I don't have that job.
And yeah, the amount of mirrors on that community is quite insane...and not so necessary. I could see if the links were expiring and they were re-uploading, but that's not really the case. Oh well.
I've done the Friending meme once. It wasn't bad. Granted, I don't like talk to the two people I friended all the time, but I do comment every so often (and it's nice to have the new people on my list that just seem to get me). But yeah, the friending meme is weird. I have a big fear of rejection...hence why I've only done it once.
In a way, it's kind of sweet that people feel the need to upload and return the favor, but in another way it's just kind of annoying. But if I really hated it, I would take the community off the friends page, and I haven't. So apparently it doesn't bother me too much.
Still, it's something that sounds like it would be nice to do. Aww. Was it for a fandom/interest, or just a general one?
It is kind of annoying...but like you said, if I minded I would have taken the comm off my friendspage. It's okay for me. Just gotta hit the back button a few times. :oP
It was kinda fun to do. It was a fandom/interest that made me say "hey! let's be friends!" Actually, it was Doctor Who and Firefly. heheh. I'm such a geek. :oP
I could go for a meme like that one. I guess my only issue is that a lot of the time I'm not sufficiently active in the fandom to feel like I qualify to participate in the fandom-specific ones.
Geeks are the most interesting people (along with dorks).
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