Smoke and Mirrors, Chapter 27 of Anywhere Out of This World

May 01, 2007 21:50

Here it is, finally! The latest chapter of Anywhere Out of This World. Since I'm having surgery tomorrow, I'll keep the summary brief:

Here's the latest:
Smoke and Mirrors, Chapter 27 of Anywhere Out of This World.
Word Count: 2791
In this one, Xander and Maya consummate their relationship, with a side effect neither is thrilled about. Rachel Greenspan ( Read more... )

andrew, eathan raynes, fanfic, dawn, spuffy, rupert giles, xander

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Comments 5

zanthinegirl May 2 2007, 03:35:01 UTC
Great update! I really enjoyed the Giles/Ethan scene. Hee!

The Buffy/ Dawn scene was nicely done too; very well written. Loved the line about the latino runaways! Very nice touch.

Good luck w/ the surgery. Is it for the kidney stone? Ouch!


celesteavonne May 2 2007, 13:16:33 UTC
Yay! Thank you :) So glad you enjoyed it. I chopped about half a page out of that Buffy/Dawn scene but, there is more to come for them.

The surgery is indeed for the stone. Good riddance, I think. Thank you again, for reading and for well wishing. *HUGS*


kimrae1977 May 2 2007, 10:34:03 UTC
Speedy recovery!

I reviewed over at the site. Good job, as usual.

Also, I just added chapter 17 of Choices. I'm really trying to finish it finally.


celesteavonne May 2 2007, 13:13:30 UTC
Yes! I shall have some reading time this afternoon and am looking forward to reading.

And, thank ya as well :)


kimrae1977 May 2 2007, 20:53:13 UTC
Anytime. I'm hooked on your 'verse.


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