Smoke and Mirrors, Chapter 27 of Anywhere Out of This World

May 01, 2007 21:50

Here it is, finally! The latest chapter of Anywhere Out of This World. Since I'm having surgery tomorrow, I'll keep the summary brief:

Here's the latest:
Smoke and Mirrors, Chapter 27 of Anywhere Out of This World.
Word Count: 2791
In this one, Xander and Maya consummate their relationship, with a side effect neither is thrilled about. Rachel Greenspan and Rupert Giles corner Eathan Raynes, and he pulls a little magic trick that goes wrong. Finally, Buffy and Dawn leave Sunnydale, but something happens on the road to Los Angeles.

It's all pretty PG. The next chapter, which could be published as early as tomorrow, is more Dawn and Andrew. After that, it's more Oz and Anjelica. I still don't have much of a clue what is going on with Willow, Faith and Connor in Japan... But, it will come. Summer's almost here.

So far, this latest version of the chapter's un-beta'd. He's wonderful, but even wonderful betas need sleep. He'll read this and the next chapter tomorrow and I'll re-post any edits he makes. My apologies for typos. I wish I could always blame my painkillers! Many thanks!!

andrew, eathan raynes, fanfic, dawn, spuffy, rupert giles, xander

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