The new and improved Team TARDIS

Dec 23, 2007 18:22

Five is minding his own business, really. He doesn't particularly want to be bothered because he's repairing something beneath the console of the TARDIS. She's been acting a bit sickly, lately, so he's trying to catch up on his repairs to her system ( Read more... )

inn, five/eight, five, spencer reid, kitty pryde, sleepover, eight

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Comments 114

allthroughtime December 23 2007, 23:33:29 UTC
Here Five, have an Eight who has a brilliant idea.

Well, it's not just his but since he's the messenger, he's going to get blamed for it.

Plopping down next to the other, he's very careful to not do his normal thing and start up some kind of unnessasary physical contact. That's going to come later.

"I have an idea," he informs, giving the other a poke in the side. "But I need to borrow your TARDIS."


celery_love December 23 2007, 23:36:22 UTC
Glancing over to the other, he swats at the hand that pokes him before he's focused on some wiring again.

"What is the idea, first and foremost? I will not consent to give you my TARDIS unless I know what is going to happen to her," And somehow, this awards him with an approving hum from the TARDIS.

While she loved Eight and all, there was something a little more than suspcious at work.


allthroughtime December 23 2007, 23:40:54 UTC
He makes a face at the swat but doens't say anything else. After all, he needs to keep his younger self is as good a mood as possible.

"Well, my own TARDIS is a bit unhappy with me at the moment and has locked me out." A sigh. "So now we don't have anywhere to sleep and you surely can't let me sleep on a couch in the Lobby, could you?"


celery_love December 23 2007, 23:49:44 UTC
Looking up from his work, there's a baffled expression on his face. "What in Rassilon's name have you done to be locked out of the TARDIS?"

He sits up and looks at the other Doctor, shaking his head, "I s'pose you can stay here, yes, but you are not to navigate my TARDIS under any circumstance."

He was the Doctor first! So, well, he had power over the other? Because, really, the tARDIS was indeed his first.


celery_love December 26 2007, 05:02:41 UTC
Five is amazed by how easily the other creates the sandwich, and really, the smile hasn't left his face. It really was an interesting combination -- he liked both substances, but together, he wasn't so sure. Tegan often made him try many of her concoctions. In fact, he'd had peanutbutter with bananas, but he was never too fond of that.

When the sandwich is offered, he examines it for a moment, merely from habit before he actually bites into it.

There's a moment of speculation, but he nods, "It's good, indeed!" Don't mind him sputtering with food in his mouth, he's quick to take another good bite of it.

Leaning back against the counter, he swallows what he's eaten and looks over at the other, "Did you come up with it yourself? I know Tegan put Bananas with peanutbutter once, and I've had jam, obviously, too, but..." A shrug.

Various foods have always been an interest. (Aha! Especially vegetables...)


physics_magic December 26 2007, 05:39:32 UTC
Reid laughs a bit as he watches the other study the sandwich, although he can't exactly poke too much fun at him for it, since he would surely be doing the same thing if offered something similar.

He's holding his breath as he waits to see what the Doctor thinks, a little unnerved at first but relaxing as he gets the sign of approval. Biting into his own, he nods. "They're great. More often than not, I don't really have much to eat at my apartment but there's always enough peanut butter, honey and bread." Not that he really winds up spending much time there but still.

He's gulping down the last bit of his half, when the other poses the question. "When I was young one of my mother's students would bring one in for me every time she knew I was coming with her to class. Ever since then I've just kind of been addicted."

Sorry Doctor, hope you don't mind him poking through things again, this time in search of something to drink.


celery_love December 26 2007, 05:48:46 UTC
"Well, we always seem to be in abundance of all three, so I think, if ever in time of crisis, we will be set on that aspect." Oh, he's grinning like a fool, even as he's nibbling on the sandwich.

By force of habit, he begins to start up a kettle of tea, because really, he adores his tea quite a bit. He even hums lightly as he does so, almost oblivious to the other boy.

In fact, because he hasn't had too much company in his TARDIS at the Inn, he's so used to going about things in his own manner, without consideration to other. So until Reid speaks up and starts to move around again, he had forgotten the other was there altogether.

"Oh, oh, so sorry." A chuckle, "Would you care for some tea? Or would you prefer something different? I know we have water and even cocoa, I'm sure..."

He sets his things aside and quickly moves to poke about his own cabinets. Ah, it was unlikely that he knew where anything was in his kitchen, what with everyone pushing things about.


physics_magic December 26 2007, 06:08:59 UTC
He really hadn't thought anything of the other making tea, having far too much fun poking around himself to really think to be offended. Not like he would have been anyway, it didn't much matter what other people did in times of food and drink, everyone had their set patterns and he knew that.

Peeking out from behind a cabinet he gives a bit of thought to the other's question. "I'll have whatever you're having," he decides with a grin. "You've tried something of mine and now it's my turn to do the same."

And back he goes until he emerges with a bag of of pretzels and a smile. Hopping on the counter, one leg crossed over the other, he will merely watch as the blond goes about his business, occasionally tossing a pretzel into his mouth.

He likes this feeling he has right now, of happiness, ofcontentment and relaxation. He likes it quite a bit.


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