
Nov 26, 2012 17:05

After quite a bit of thought, I have decided to go ahead and run 3fan_holidays again this year... if there is interest, that is.

Therefore, run, do not walk, over to the LJ post and poll to gauge interest at the 3fan comm and indicate whether you want to participate.

The nutshell description: the three fandoms are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean. You only have to be able and willing to write ONE of the fandoms, and receive ONE (if you like more than one, great, but it's not required).* Participants write a 100-2000 word drabble/ficlet, with the general prompt of holidays/festivities; only limited preferences and restrictions are permitted since this is such a small exchange. Make sense?

Feel free to signal-boost!

*Also, they do not have to be the same fandoms for giving and receiving. You could be willing to write Lord of the Rings, and want to receive Pirates of the Caribbean. Or willing to write Harry Potter and want either HP or PotC. Whatever.

pimpage, fests

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