Seven Sins-Greed

Mar 20, 2011 22:28

This weekend is being so quiet, its nice. I had so much to do before class last Sunday that it wore me out. I don't have as much to do this week, but I'm moving slower on all of it. My walking iris bloomed this morning and it looks likes its going to have another one, this just makes me so happy. This plant is from a cutting of a huge plant of my parents and its grown so much, also of the various plants I brought with me and have bought, its the only one that's survived.

As the weather's been getting nicer, I've been taking more pictures. Soon I'll post them but for now I'm at home as it rains outside and thankfully the thunder and light's flickering stopped.

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

1-A new laptop
I currently have this HP laptop that's big and solid, it has 17 inch screen and I bought it before I knew I was going to Michigan. So while it works and I like the solidity of it, I hate hauling it around everywhere. Also the screen's been acting up for months, at the moment it works when I whack it. I want a Mac, I've wanted a Mac for a while and I will get one before leaving Michigan.

I can never have too many books and Borders knows this and keeps sending me coupons. Also there are amazing used bookstores. I try and use the library but I always have a book with me, I just do.

3-Clothes that fit and flatter
Currently my closet is full of good things but I honestly love shopping. Even though at times I hate it when I don't seem to be the proper shape for things but when I find something that works I love it.

I love shiny things and things that I can play with. Every day I wear earrings, a ring, normally a necklace, a wristwatch and usually a bracelet. My last bracelet just broke so I'm searching for a new one. The types of bracelets I wear tend to be elastic with stone and I love the way they feel. At the moment, I have this pile of beads from my broken bracelets and someday I will do something with them. I adore when someone gives me a gift of jewelry that just is me, its one of the best feelings.

I can travel cheaply when I need to, but any travel requires money. I'd like to have enough left over to be able to pack up and go all over the world and see people and places. I love that I have this network of people and I want to meet them.

6-Jewelry organizing
This or one like it so I can display by jewelry as it should be, because every piece has a story.

7-Live Performances
I love seeing concerts and plays and going to cons, but that takes money. I want to do this more since whenever I do it makes me so happy.

plants, travel, meme, adorning myself, music, books, computers, weather is strange, michigan

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