Seven Sins-Sloth

Mar 19, 2011 16:57

This one is far too appropriate for today as I look at my list of stuff to do and realize I'm behind. I've had some nice progress on possible summer stuff, the Classics' department is going to try and help me find something. Though if that doesn't come through, I've got two other courses that will work but might be not as interesting. Either way, I'm feeling a lot more confident about what I have to do.

Also its starting to feel like Spring and I'm getting ideas for fun things again like RP and writing to do. One nice and intense thing about Michigan is that a month from now, I'll be done with this semester. Before then I'll have to write one big term paper, help with two group projects including reports and presentations, do a one-shot workshop, do a webinar and have lots of various other things. I think I can get it all done but it really does feel like a downhill slope that I'm trying not to fall on.

Also since I'm going to be in Michigan this summer, I'm trying to think of possible visits. I would love to see people and have a couch that's good for crashing on and a car, so I plan on definite road trips.

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

I always get it done, but I have this bad habit of waiting until the last minute. I've always been a procrastinator and even in my second run of graduate school that hasn't changed. I get solid grades and keep meaning to start things earlier but it rarely happens.

I walk all over the place but I keep meaning to actually find something fun to get moving with. I know at the moment as a student that my schedule isn't the best for trying to find things since it doesn't take much for me to lose having an hour or two free for a class. One of the things I will do at some point wherever I end up is find some kind of class or social group where I get to move and meet people.

I love to cook, but I don't as much as I want to. Whenever I visit my family, I end up cooking almost every night and I love it. Then by the time I get home, I'll buy stuff and then wait a few days to a week to cook it even though I want to. Leftovers are good and I'll eat better if I cook but again lazy.

4-Get out into things
I'm in a really busy university town and there are so many options around me, but I don't go to them. Its so easy to find excuses, oh I have class, I have something I need to do and I don't. Yet I love whenever I get out there and meet with perspective students or go see a movie and then wish I did it more. I feel like I just haven't figured out the best way to be as social as I can as an adult. I want to change this but it takes work and time that I don't always have the brain for.

I write here and I write a lot for RP but I don't really write fiction as much as I'd like. I adore filling prompts and writing comment fic and love the challenge of yuletide but want to do more. I have so many ideas in my head for at least one really long fic, one about Sameth and his journey in becoming Wallmaker, but I've only written bits and pieces of it. I envy all of you on my flist who have numerous WiPs going and keep thinking someday I'll write more.

6-Be more active professionally
This is tied to four and just how much there is here in Michigan. My twitter feed is full of librarians and authors and I interact with them but I haven't really started the looking for a job process. In a way I'm glad that I'm not graduating until August because it gives me time to look for a job and not be in the midst of doing lots of other things too.

7-Clean and organize
I live in a state of organized chaos, I know where stuff is and you can see the floor but I'm surrounded by piles. I just realized that the plastic folder that holds all my paperwork is nearing the end of its life and I need to get something sturdier. Also I need to clean more, things aren't too bad but my apartment usually gets cleaned when people are coming to visit. Then I scrub until then I only clean when it just looks too dirty to me.

And again I can't think of a last one, I like how this meme challenges me to lay out my thinking. ETA: I just thought of one.

i want to be a librarian, masters, cooking, health, shaping up, writing, i am a classics geek, michigan

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