time capsule 2011

Dec 07, 2011 14:59

year 2011

♡ make yourself a thread so your friends can leave you messages with their thoughts about you, their wishes for you for next year, etcetera.
♡ you can also leave yourself a message... anything that you can look back on next year and reminisce about ( Read more... )

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mlina December 8 2011, 11:27:15 UTC
mlina December 9 2011, 05:10:55 UTC
Hey you. Yeah, babydoll. You.

You are going to be okay. There is so much promise in 2012 and you know it. You just don't want to believe in it in case it doesn't turn out as epic as you hope it would. But look at how well 2011 went: Things are looking up and things always will as long as you believe and work hard and focus focus focus.

Planet-sized, remember? That's all you need to keep in mind.

No rushing, but no slacking off either because everything pays off in the end. It will. You know that it will.

Listen to your friends, to your family -- to all the people who love you because when you can't believe in yourself, they will always remind you that they believe in you.

You already know what you want. You can shoot for the moon -- and further than that. You are magic. You ignite sparks; you just can't see it because light always cancels out light and yours is bright and brilliant and beautiful.

And when all else fails. When you are in deepest doubt, remember these words:

People become stronger in measure ( ... )


My dear, dear friend. ext_258544 December 13 2011, 02:30:25 UTC
Hey Superstar ( ... )


You're a Creator dragondreamfire December 9 2011, 06:12:47 UTC
Something I hope you remember:

"I love that song. LOVE love love it. It's raw and real and speaks. It's honest. And that's why you're so good at what you do. And I think we sometimes have the same problem with trying to do what we dream of doing. When nothing seems like it can be new, we know we can't reinvent the wheel, but we still want to try. Maybe not so much to change the thing itself, but share how we perceive it. And that can be a scary thing ( ... )


_sabriel December 9 2011, 07:03:27 UTC
♪ I want to survive.
Even as a nobody.
I love you.
The lives waiting for awakening were drawn to one another. ♫


puuriin December 11 2011, 06:15:50 UTC
Ate noey~,

I still remember we met at a restaurant in Shang (i forgot the name) (; A \) and you were carrying a basket of fries to our table because Ate Kang was hungry. LOL it was during Eiga Sai I think XD Hee~ I'm still shy but I hope by 2012 I wouldn't get too shy when I talk with you ;; Let's do our best in 2012 to improve are relationship and I'm really thankful that you talk to me even if we have short convos XD;



For my Mama mikanparadise December 11 2011, 07:43:18 UTC

I just want to say.... I love you. :) Every trial that "visits" you, I know you can face it and "win" it mama. :) Always be strong, specially if you know that there are people who still cares for you~ At least be strong for them right mama? I miss talking to you and again I love you~

- I want KenKen-san to be my forever cooldork father xoxo~

- From your anti-social/quiet daughter who loves Shogo


tauburn December 11 2011, 08:02:23 UTC
There are so many things I'd like to tell you.

One of them is thank you.

The other?

Fight on. Get on. Keep on. Step up.


mailnosecret December 12 2011, 01:38:28 UTC


I would like to open this with a Thank you, as always, and forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for being you and here's another thank you for sticking with me for the past year. I hope that in 2012, I'll be filling this out again with more substance as I did now? (LOLWHAT)

IDK MAN always remember that I'm here for you and haaaaa if i seem cold sometimes it's just the "toyo" taking over wwwwwwww. I love you ♥ and please trust the world a bit. It might be not perfect but there are people like us who are always looking out after you.



cutoffline December 15 2011, 16:51:57 UTC

I'm honestly shy to call you mama noey as well, but everyone's calling you by that ////

thank you 2011 I met you! I hope we can meet in rl, eat cake, drink coffee or tea AND CHAAAAAAT ♥ also jkdadjlk watch tenimyu with me ;A;

[♥♥♥] kaaaaat


sis my love isiseden December 15 2011, 18:40:25 UTC
You are my usually-better half :) You know how I feel even when I have no words to say it. We've been through much, you and I, but believe me when I say we are sisters to the core, and nothing can change that. You will always be the brightest star in my life, and I will be there for you no matter what. Do NOT let anybody bring you down. If someone tries, point him/her out to me and that person will know true pain.

ILU SIS. Always. Never, ever forget that.

<3 -K.


boukenrider January 1 2012, 20:25:14 UTC
oh lord, mama noey where do i start ( ... )


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