time capsule 2011

Dec 07, 2011 14:59

year 2011

♡ make yourself a thread so your friends can leave you messages with their thoughts about you, their wishes for you for next year, etcetera.
♡ you can also leave yourself a message... anything that you can look back on next year and reminisce about ( Read more... )

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You're a Creator dragondreamfire December 9 2011, 06:12:47 UTC
Something I hope you remember:

"I love that song. LOVE love love it. It's raw and real and speaks. It's honest. And that's why you're so good at what you do. And I think we sometimes have the same problem with trying to do what we dream of doing. When nothing seems like it can be new, we know we can't reinvent the wheel, but we still want to try. Maybe not so much to change the thing itself, but share how we perceive it. And that can be a scary thing.

It takes willpower and guts and tears and disappointment. Exposing yourself and what you hold closest to you to critique and ridicule that is not about you but about pleasing the masses. And sometimes we're not sure if we can live with that. If we can somehow manage to let go of what is sacred to us and share it with more than our friends.

And oddly enough, the universe is gracious to push us to those limits without us even realizing we can do it. It's a giving thing, and if we give ourselves over to it, we somehow end up happier than when we started. The fear of rejection of what we prize most about ourselves is the most potent thing for someone who creates. And anyone who is any good and has found their success has overcome it, lives with it, feels it every time, but takes the leap anyway. It's a perceived risk, as real as it may seem. And ultimately, we're the ones who hold oursevles back because something tells us we have to be sane, have to be logical, have to know that we're not the next big thing because we haven't made it yet. But Spock can lie, can laugh, can be human. So why can't we? Every failure or perceived failure shapes us, makes us better, makes us stronger. It's taking that next step that's hard. How many more times? How many more times can we handle it? As many as it takes. It's like taking that first step onto an invisible bridge, the fear, the rush, the HOLY SHIT WHAT IF I DIE step and somehow finding out you're not only standing, but you can walk, run, and keep going. That there will always be someone there in encouraging you, believing in you, telling you that everything happens for a reason and this moment, this one moment, defines the next step you take or don't.

And more often than not, that someone is you."

You're still trying to get there. It doesn't mean you can't make it, it just means you need some guts and some serious dedication. Prove to yourself you can do what you really want. Make it happen. <3


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