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Comments 37

twentyplanes October 31 2008, 10:06:31 UTC
1) Ugh. I need to look for all these interviews and watch them asap. I've seen the Tina on Regis & Kelly one though. Tina always looks amazing. Her fashion sense is just awesome.

2) Jon Hamm! I've not seen Mad Men (both seasons are currently sitting in my harddisk) but the episode of SNL that he hosted was pretty hilarious. Plus he's hot.

3) It's so hard to find Diet Snapple here. They always only sell Snapple in the stores. Imagine my excitement when I saw Diet Snapple in Subway. I bought it.

4) 1. Violet, ilu. When she said that line, I was like, OH SNAP.
6. Her hair was especially pretty this episode.
7. I have a sickening feeling that part of Violet's backstory involves her being assaulted before or something. Blergh.
10. I really do not want to like Charlotte. So I settled for liking her when she's not with Cooper, which was pretty alright for me. I'm biased, sue me. Plus I cannot see Cooper and Charlotte starting a family. He's afraid of asking her to pick lice, for goodness sake. I just. cannot. see. that ( ... )


cecism October 31 2008, 10:25:15 UTC
Let's see.
Alec on Letterman (I still haven't seen the full interview, it got taken down from YouTube pretty much immediately. Bastards.)
Tracy on Conan (it's at the second-marker-dot-point on the timeline thingy.
Tina on Today.
Have fun with those.

You have Snapple at Subway? Ooh. And it tastes just like regular Snapple, doesn't it?

I have a sickening feeling that part of Violet's backstory involves her being assaulted before or something.
I will allow it if it's going to be handled well. But because this is headed by Shonda Rhimes, I don't trust it to be, therefore just wishing it doesn't happen seems to be the safer option.

I like Charlotte when she's by herself. Or Cooper is physically-but-not-emotionally available to her. I can put up with that just fine. It's all this ~*~feeling~*~ stuff that irks me mad.

Singapore is thinking good thoughts. To me, anyway.


twentyplanes October 31 2008, 10:39:07 UTC
Ah, ty! ♥

I only date guys who drink Snapple. Don't you know that?

I cringe pretty much every time Cooper mentions about falling in love with Charlotte. Because, what the hell happened to I'm-in-love-with-my-best-friend-from-season-1?


cecism October 31 2008, 10:55:04 UTC
Did you know the first TV soap opera debuted in 1946? There's little facts under there.

It got sucked into the black hole along with Addison's Satanic Bite. Or he's in some deep, major denial. I want to believe in the latter, but I can't.


hazz23 October 31 2008, 10:20:31 UTC
2 - omg so true I kept thinking she would subtly mention her infidelity somehow to justify her need for her boundaries.

10 - I agree! They need to bring back more of Cooper Violet and what has happened previously. I feel like they have left it in the past and this season is new, aahhhhh frustrating!

Yeah Diet Snapple I love that stuff. I flipped and had it constantly when I was in the US earlier this yeah, many photos were taken but only I understood the awesomeness of it! lol

Hey I am a Media student too!! Well actually I was cos I graduated in 06.


cecism October 31 2008, 10:28:07 UTC
2 - Exactly! It's like Seattle never happened. She was married to Derek for eleven years.

10 - Only cool people understand the significance of Diet (or any) Snapple!

Awesome. *high five* I'm about to finish up, assuming I don't fail my exams. :P


muic October 31 2008, 10:24:56 UTC
All the interviews were glorious. Yay, turqoise? (I am pretty sure that I'm spelling that wrong and it's probably not even that shade).

ALEC AND HIS HAIR. Omg, his hair was super glorious and he was charming and endearing with his LEGALLY BLONDE, LEGALLY BLONDE! (I can't believe he would watch that on his 50th)

Only Tracy and Conan could make me sit through an interview where nobody knows what is going on. Except maybe Tracy.

Less than 7 days to Liz/Oprah!

I desperately need to watch Mad Men too. I have a tiny crush on Hamm after that SNL episode. (Hmm I might start on Private Practice during the December Holidays too because my sister talks about it a lot and I mostly just go, how come you don't like Violet/Cooper? I thought everybody liked Violet/Cooper?)


cecism October 31 2008, 10:35:26 UTC
Turquoise is the most infuriating colour ever. I swear there is no one clear definition for it. Every time I say something's turquoise someone is like, "No, clearly that is blue/green/something!" I give up. (I personally think it's kind of like Liz'a 'diva' dress Cerie made her wear but whatevs.)

I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THE FULL INTERVIEW. I've been Googling like mad searching for it but it's all been taken down. Unless I can't find it and you have a sekrit link?

Your sister doesn't like Violet and Cooper? Blasphemy! I can forgive her, because she's related to you, so must be cool by association. ;)


muic October 31 2008, 10:44:06 UTC
Lol, I am mostly colour-blind except for primary colours and maybe a few secondary. (Isn't that white? What the hell is egg-shell?). Yeah that 'diva' dress seems turquoise (ah, I learnt something new today).

You might need to be quick.

You can blast her all you want. Her reason: 'I am superficial, deal with it'.


cecism October 31 2008, 10:50:55 UTC
My colour education mostly came from being obsessed with my tin of Derwent pencils and all their fancy-schmancy names as a kid.

THANK YOU x MILLION. I don't know why it didn't come up on my search about three hours ago. Downloading it now.

Ha, I won't be tempted! Just that Cooper is the most adorable being on the entire planet and he and Violet are best friends and it's all rather When Harry Met Sally-esque but less fluffy and without Meg Ryan's '80s hair.


sometimesartist October 31 2008, 10:33:29 UTC
I'm like so excited about Jon Hamm... AND he Tina in not black is always love. I'd actually love to see her doing Conan in jeans again :P not that I wouldn't mind girly Tina either XD


cecism October 31 2008, 10:37:05 UTC
Everyone looks good in a Sheinhardt jeans! ;) But I agree, she should. And as lovely as she looks in black, seeing her in another colour was like, "HUZZAH!"


vulcanicity October 31 2008, 10:58:45 UTC
Apparently Britain is 92.6% for Obama, which hardly surprises me tbh!


cecism October 31 2008, 11:37:11 UTC
It's amazing how, universally, Obama is overwhelmingly the preferred candidate! (Goes to show that small-town American politics shouldn't be voted in for the sake of the rest of the world.)

Oh, and I totally haven't replied to your other comment, sorry! *scampers off to do that now*


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