(no subject)

Oct 31, 2008 16:58

Because there have been talk show interviews and I like quoting things because quoting is fun:
- "He weighed eight pounds, and Amy weighs about ten." [Tina on Regis & Kelly, about Amy Poehler doing her Palin rap when Archie Arnett was majorly popping out of her. OH AND SHE WASN'T WEARING BLACK. IT WAS PRETTY.]
- "Bible Spice." Enough said. That was gold. [Everyone knows - hell, they even played it on the radio here - but Alec Baldwin on Letterman, about Sarah Palin.]
- "See these abs? They're under the fat, but they're there!" [Tracy Morgan on Conan, in probably the most mental interview known to man. WHAT WAS GOING ON HALF THE TIME IDK.]

Oh, and: "The minute CBS start showing the Grand Final live in America is the minute we'll embrace Halloween." Anyone listen to Matt and Jo this morning? It was hilarious. God, I love them.

Jon Hamm will quite possibly guest star in 30 Rock. And there's a bunch of you tulips who love both shows, so excitement is in order, yes? (I reallyreallyreally want - and need, 'cause I'm a Media student who wants to get into advertising for God's sake - to see Mad Men like you have no idea.)

Catherine McClements is on the cover of this month's Melbourne Magazine and I'm super-pleased because I adore her.

I bought Diet Snapple today (Lemon, of course.) I was amused, and my friend thoroughly confused (although I found out she sometimes watched the show in its graveyard shift, who knew?). Yeah, this is a fairly big deal as it's pretty hard to find here so I was excited. *grin* I got it in a Jewish bakery of all things; random, y/n? I also bought myself some cheese blintz from Glick's and it was yum.


Private Practice, 2x04 "Past Tense"

WARNING: This is kind of ranty. I apologise.

1. "Remember the good old days, when Sam and Naomi were together, the practice running in harmony..." "You didn't work here then." "That's not the point." ILU Violet.

2. a) "Is this you trying to bond with me?" (See above.)
b) "So you two haven't...?" "No." "Wow. You're one of those women." RANT: So I've been enjoying getting back to my Addie-loving roots. But, um, her not being one of "those women" shouldn't have to be clarified. SHE CHEATED ON HER HUSBAND. SHE HAS NEVER BEEN ONE OF THOSE WOMEN. And it should have been blindly obvious from the moment she stepped foot at Oceanside. The fact that Violet thinks she's all "waiting" and fluffy sucks. No one should think that of Addie one bit. Wake up, Shonda. This is not who she is.
c) Okay, Pete kissing Violet on the head was, like, adorable? Don't deny it. It was.

3. They're all so happy that Dell's back! (If Paul smacking Chris on the arse was improv, I LOVE IT. Because that just seems like something he'd do.)

4. That patient of Cooper's was so cute that my ovaries hurt. And he really good. He's tiny and get could still do the glazing-eyes thing perfectly? Aww. At the end when he looked up at Cooper with those big eyes I almost cried.

5. "How many sites are you on, Coop? Two? Five? Ten?" "-ish." "Your patient might be right. There is something wrong with you." Heh. And part of my brain went, "Ha! He didn't take down the stuff on the sites because he subconsciously doesn't want you!" But that might just be me.

6. Violet's hair was super-pretty-looking. (I think I say this every week about someone, but that's this show for you. Lots of pretty hair, yo.) But then stop_theworld said she had a ponytail so I was also looking forward to that. And that was so cute! Oh, Amy, you and your hair.

7. OKAY WHAT WAS UP WITH VIOLET IN HER OFFICE? I'm really curious as to what she was getting narky about, but I swear to God, if they give her some shitty backstory that is bad and cliched and full of woe, I WILL SHOOT A MOTHER-HUMPING MOOSE. Because she's Violet, and if they ruin her character by having her been attacked or something, I'll be mad. By all means make the storyline hit her personally because she had a particular patient she was fond of, or because she had a cousin affected or something - but don't make it about her, because this is Shonda and she will make it turn into something soapy and character-ruining and disastrous.

8. On a brighter note, I like how they haven't made Violet and Addison instantly friends. I was really impressed by their division and apprehension of each other, mixed with a little bit of professional bonding.

9. Sam and Naomi are boring me. I don't want to be bored by them. But seriously, get over this stupid thing you've got going on. (Although Audra and Taye fight good. I'm just saying.)

10. DAMN IT. I want to hate Cooper and Charlotte. I need to hate them because Cooper does not have epic!love for his best friend and then suddenly forget about it two seconds later. But sitting on a bed sharing backstories is lovely and why did this loveliness have to wasted on these two people who I'm trying to hate? And it makes me all confused because last week I was getting seriously over this whole "feelings" thing they're forcing down our throats but then they have scenes like this and... I don't know what to feel.

Cooper being adopted was unexpected. I'd always pictured him coming from a big family, maybe from him voicing his desire to have one.

Speaking of which; can Cooper seriously think he can have his big family dream with Charlotte? Ugh. This storyline annoys me the more I think about it. (And if you'd said to me, "Hey, how's this for an upcoming storyline: two characters who need an outlet so they turn to each other for no-strings-attached sex and then slowly start realising they actually like each other, etcetera" I would have been all like, "Ooh! Sign me on!" but this is just. not. happening. well. For me, anyway.)

Oh, but apparently Pete actually has a personality now. Good to know.

Lastly: If The World Could Vote. Really fascinating website, albeit not truly representative. (Australia, for instance, is apparently 80% for Obama, not the 92% as voted; but it's still really interesting.)

people: tina fey, tv: private practice, people: alec baldwin, people: catherine mcclements, tv: 30 rock

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