(no subject)

Nov 04, 2008 13:55

So, the first Tuesday of November. No, not the US election (although there's that, too) but it's the pinnacle of the three-week Spring Racing Carnival, the Melbourne Cup. Basically a four-day weekend for a three-minute horse race: awesome, y/n? And no one really cares for the horses, anyway. It's all about the hats and the marquees and what Carson Kressley decides to wear.

This morning's exam dampened my day slightly - 'cause seriously, exams on bloody public holidays should be illegal - but the sun's out and the sky is almost cloudless and I'm chipper once more. (Anyone put any money on the horsies? If I was a betting girl I'd go with Mad Rush or Zipping - coincidentally Malcolm Turnbull and K-Rudd's horses respectively - but whatever.)

In other news: SCREW YOU, ABC (the US one... the one here I have little problem with). You're okay with putting in every possible storyline related to heterosexual relations and as soon it turns between two females you pull the plug? Not cool. (I so badly want to be done with Grey's. Why can't I stop watching it even though I kind of hate it?)

The Private Practice 2x06 synopsis sounds kind of awesome. A face-off? (Well, not really but that's the way I'm looking at it.) Hell to the yes.

Jack McBrayer (AKA Kenneth the NBC Page) is so adorable! (Him on The Tonight Show.)

The Kate Winslet spread in Vanity Fair is beautiful. That is all.

Good News Week was hysterical last night. (And I got to watch it live for once because City Homicide was a repeat!) "Taser-pig, taser-pig..." JETSPARROW! Oh man, I need to watch it again.

tv: grey's anatomy, people: jack mcbrayer, tv: good news week, tv: private practice, people: kate winslet, life: melbourne cup

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