"Who's that?" "Sarah Palin." "No, that's Mommy."

Oct 30, 2008 11:47

Okay, I know I posted barely twelve hours ago but:

"I said, 'This guy's name is Barack Obama' and she thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. She's like, 'That's crazy!' And then I told her his middle name is Hussein and she was very concerned."
There's a small, evil little part of me that wants to kidnap Alice Richmond and make her my own. Archie Arnett can come too. [This bit of Tina on Conan is here, the rest is on Hulu.]

I bloody well love how she can just snap into the Palin voice like that, too. "Has Alice gone home? Because Bristol would've babysat!"


"I can do anything. I was in a boy band, okay?" / "Don't vote... it doesn't make any fucking sense!" / "537? That's it? There's more Baldwin brothers than that!" This 5 More Friends ad. I love it.


To the Doctor Who peeps on my flist who are hurting: I'm really sorry. I've baked you all cookies and will wrap them up in cellophane and tie them with ribbon once they're cooled, okay? (And to the few who aren't hurting, you can still have some. Huzzah!)

people: tina fey

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