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Comments 37

cool_rush August 28 2008, 11:33:05 UTC
The PP behind the scenes pics are awesome!
We watched one episode of Fawlty Towers in an English lesson. WeirdFunny show! :D


cecism August 28 2008, 11:53:27 UTC
Aren't they just? *grin*

It is kind of bizarre, but I love it. Especially Manuel the Spanish waiter! :D

Your icon pwns, btw! I can't believe we only have two episodes of the season left. It always goes so fast!


cool_rush August 28 2008, 13:43:57 UTC
But what's with the green wall? Were they shooting a scene "outside" or was that for a photoshoot?

Oh yeah, strange sense humour! It was this episode we watched, and it was hilarious!

I still have to watch the last episode and it is so weird that this season's almost over.


xshorty24x August 28 2008, 11:35:40 UTC
We watched Harry Potter in my lecture yesterday. IT BASICALLY MADE MY LIFE.


cecism August 28 2008, 11:54:13 UTC
FTW! Which one? Reminds me of the time we watched Bridget Jones and I started reciting the lines in my head.


xshorty24x August 28 2008, 11:57:46 UTC
The first one. DANRAD BEFORE PUBERTY HIT. I love it.


cecism August 28 2008, 12:09:43 UTC

... )


sparrowpond August 28 2008, 11:45:21 UTC
Why apologise for your earlier post? I think you hit the nail on the head, it feels 'closer' than with another actor, just because.. he was on Aussie TV, he wasn't a *big* star, and I didn't even watch All Saints, but I gasped when I heard the news, because he seemed just more 'real' you know? SO sad, and what a very public.. sad way to end life.


cecism August 28 2008, 11:57:03 UTC
Oh, only because I don't like weighing down my LJ with mopey stuff. LJ is my escapism from the suckiness of RL (hence all the fandom babble!) so I don't like breaking my unwritten rule. ;)

Yeah, I gathered that reaction from a lot of people who didn't even watch the show, but knew of him anyway - it's, like, he's one of us, y'know? And also just to think he must have been so troubled, under that smiling actor's facade.


sliversofsilver August 28 2008, 12:12:38 UTC
I'm really excited for the new season of Private Practice. I was upset they didn't show anymore episodes after the writer's strike.

Thank you!


cecism August 28 2008, 12:31:11 UTC
I know, right! It's been, what, a year since new episodes? Man, that's way too long. I need my Cooper fix.


sliversofsilver August 28 2008, 12:50:18 UTC
Yep. Something like that. I need to rewatch S1. The only ep I can remember is the one about Safe Surrender =\


cecism August 28 2008, 12:56:25 UTC
A year is pretty ridiculous when I think about it. I'm almost used to not having new episodes, y'know? I should probably rewatch it too - not a hard feat considering there's only nine episodes, pfft. :P (Wow, I'm bitter!)


scribblecat August 28 2008, 12:18:33 UTC
Don't apologise for the earlier post. It's very shocking and you are right, it's a tight knit group in the Aussie TV business. It *is* as shocking, if not more as Heath's death. So very sad. I saw John Howard speaking of him on the news, and he almost started crying and so I did too. It's just so sad.

But yes, the upside is *that* PB video today, of the reunion. Isn't it just wonderful. Sigh. I hope you have some brownies baked in readiness for viewing on Tuesday. Are you having the day off?


cecism August 28 2008, 12:35:34 UTC
I just hate plaguing my LJ with mopey news; 'focus on the pretty' is basically my LJ philosophy! I saw John on the news too (poor guy; you hear a colleague just jumped out of a window and then the media's in your face) and he was so dignified. I just can't comprehend the tremendous pain Mark must have been feeling to do something like that, it's unbelievable. But it's nice (well, not nice, but comforting more like) to know I'm not the only one who's feeling like this.

That PB video couldn't have had more perfect timing! I've got Tuesday off, thankfully, and intend to bake something a bit more celebratory than brownies! Not sure exactly what though. *ponders*


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