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Comments 42

sometimesartist July 1 2008, 08:11:43 UTC
OMG Wicked is so awesome!!!!! ♥


cecism July 2 2008, 03:30:58 UTC
So I've heard from so many people! *bounces*


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cecism July 2 2008, 03:32:09 UTC
Season 2 doesn't start until early October in the US, so we've still got a bit of a wait unfortunately. Sigh!


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cecism July 2 2008, 08:39:52 UTC
I'm definitely too impatient to not download it.

Thanks! They're too cute, really.


belelmo27cien July 1 2008, 09:36:00 UTC
I don't often read the IMDB boards (because the people who post there scare me and I feel like I lose IQ points just by being on it)

That's so funny, Cec. And so true!

And Private Practice! Uggggggggggh! I needed to shout. Sorry.


cecism July 2 2008, 03:33:01 UTC
Isn't it terrible? So many people go on there to criticise; it's ridiculous. It makes me grumpy just to read it!

Shout all you like, I'll join in!


soundspie July 1 2008, 10:03:25 UTC
hell, Im so excited for that Baz/Nicole movie!! can it be out NOW? :(

also, pretty DVD case <3 I have a thing for DVD cases......


cecism July 2 2008, 03:33:44 UTC
I wish it was. *cries*

I know, there's just something about a DVD case that's just so... I dunno. Awesome? Haha, lame Cec.


andsheloves July 1 2008, 11:21:44 UTC
I like you, did you know that?

*shrugs* I'm sure that when I clicked on the add comment button I had something interesting and useful to add to this, but as it turns out, no. I don't.

But anyway: I like you. How's it going?


cecism July 2 2008, 03:34:58 UTC
That's more than fine. 'Cause I like you too. Lots.

Me? Going? Yeah, okay. Same old. Got a couple of weeks off from uni but it's not enough. More importantly, how're you doing? *concerned*


andsheloves July 2 2008, 07:53:54 UTC

Yeah, I'm alright. It's less sunny today (therefore I'm in a worse mood?) I don't know. But I have the feeling that it's going to start raining right when I pick up the girls from school. Yaiy. But- yeah. I don't know. *shrugs*


cecism July 2 2008, 08:39:19 UTC

Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but you seem kind of... indifferent? I mean, I know interpreting feelings through text is near impossible but I want to fly up there and check on you and make sure you're okay. And give you a hug to boot. 'Cause I worry about you, y'know. Little Hayley in a little-but-how-do-they-fit-so-many-people-into-a-space-that's-the-size-of-Victoria land.


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