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Comments 31

vulcanicity March 6 2011, 09:50:07 UTC
I hate Sunday nights. They're so depressing and annoying, but Monday morning sucks even more.

Wow that teacher! That's really sad, but amazing too!


cecism March 6 2011, 11:22:04 UTC
But you know what's better? Monday nights! Because you're one day closer to the weekend...

It really is, but I guess heroism comes with the worst sorts of circumstances. :(


vulcanicity March 6 2011, 11:55:47 UTC
And Tuesday night! I mostly like Wednesday nights, because I have ess time at school during the day, and have my weekly "social event in the evening" thing! :D

Very true :( At least people will remember him for something heroic, rather than something not so great? :(


katie087 March 6 2011, 09:59:19 UTC
I so hear you on the Sunday nights thing! I'm trying to decide what to do and all I can think about is I HATE MONDAYS and DON'T WANNA.

I also hear you on Greys. I think I'm 1 ep behind now but watching it when I feel like and not caring as much makes it so much more enjoyable. I've just embarced how ridiculous it is.

Mardi Gras looks... eye opening... but also like the best party ever lol.

I heard about the teacher. So, so sad :( Sounds as though he will be missed by a lot of people ♥


cecism March 6 2011, 11:23:53 UTC
Me too! Ugh, it's now 9:22pm... should probably call it a night soon, and then it'll be Monday. Yuck.

Exactly right! It's so ridiculous but I just watch it for what it is. (And now I've started shipping Teddy and patient guy. This coming from me, who hated Izzie and Denny. Damn you, show!)


andsheloves March 6 2011, 11:14:43 UTC


andsheloves March 6 2011, 11:15:10 UTC
No, I did not read any of your post.


andsheloves March 6 2011, 11:15:22 UTC
But I will.


andsheloves March 6 2011, 11:17:24 UTC
Oh hi. I read your post. You are welcome.


emsy March 6 2011, 18:04:37 UTC
Ace of Cakes is huge win. In fact, I'm watching it right now. Cakey cake cake. Any show about cake is a winner in my books.


cecism March 7 2011, 12:54:53 UTC
Absolutely! Who needs renovation shows and clothes shows and losing weight shows when there are cake shows?


soundspie March 6 2011, 18:08:35 UTC
Wow, what a teacher! :'(

Have a great start to the week, Cec! ♥


cecism March 7 2011, 12:55:34 UTC

Thanks Ella girl! I feel like it's been ages since I've talked to you. Have a good one yourself! ♥


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