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Comments 35

i_smell_apples June 5 2010, 12:36:10 UTC
Ugh, colds in warmer weather suck! I don't know why that is but I always tend to get a summer cold as well.

I watch Glee. :D And I love Will! Wtf, I didn't know of people disliking him. I'm not big into the fandom though. I just watch the show. One thing though, I didn't care much about Will/Emma because I just plain don't like Emma. She annoys me. I mean she's a better choice than Terri, but Terri is at least interesting!

SUE IS THE GREATEST. ;) I don't have any ships either though. Huh, I hadn't thought of that before.


i_smell_apples June 5 2010, 12:39:09 UTC
Dah I was not finished. I guess I don't hate any of the kids either. I mean Rachel is not my favourite person ever but I don't *hate* her. I don't care for Artie but I don't hate him either.

Eep, your poor mum! Glad the surgery went fine but ugh for so much necessary rest. :( And what a scary thing to have happen, too!


cecism June 6 2010, 02:42:06 UTC
Maybe it's because Melbourne people are immune from winter colds but don't know how to handle summer ones? *shrugs*

I'm sort of understanding why people don't like Will now. There's a couple of good answers below if you wanted to read them. And I agree, at least Terri was interesting! She had another layer, Emma is just so blah.

Thanks for your opinions! :D


vulcanicity June 5 2010, 12:37:02 UTC
Ugh, being ill sucks. My whole family keep getting colds. So annoying! It's June! It's warm and sunny, not gorram cold-season! Anyways, hope you feel better soon ♥

Lol I've got no advice on the Glee front; I'm watching the s1 finale then I'm outta there. Really not at ALL in love with it rn...

Eep, that really sucks about your mum :/ A month stuck in bed sounds like hell even for me and I'm incredibly lazy, lol.


cecism June 6 2010, 02:43:12 UTC
Thanks, hon. And I'm glad you guys are finally getting warm and sunny weather, I remember you saying you'd just wish winter would be over. :D

No one wants a month in bed, do they? :( Thanks a bunch!


vulcanicity June 6 2010, 09:29:12 UTC
Haha, me too :D (Although I appear to be allergic to summer, lmao)

Not really :(


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cecism June 6 2010, 02:44:59 UTC
I knew you were going to stop watching it, so I'm glad you gave me your opinions here! :D

Good point about Will. His hooking up is rather stupid and goes against his "moral" standards he tries to pass onto the kids. (Although I find his rapping just kinda hilarious - I just pretend he's on SNL or something LOL!)

Thanks for your help, hon! ♥


cool_rush June 5 2010, 12:58:08 UTC
1. I like Will, but most of the time he is trying too hard imo, especially when he's rapping.

5. SUE FOR PRESIDENT! :D She and her anger towards Will's hair crack me up every single time. Jane Lynch needs to win an award for that role!

Sorry to hear that about your mum, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that she's going to be fine asap and her "old" active self again!


cecism June 6 2010, 02:45:47 UTC
Yeah, his rapping is pretty ridiculous, but I just laugh more than anything.

Jane Lynch is awesome! Seriously the show would not be the same without Sue.

Thanks buddy, I'm sure my mum will be fine soon. :)


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cecism June 6 2010, 02:46:11 UTC
*hugs back* Thanks, buddy. Hope all is going okay with you!


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