(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 21:38

First point of business: GO SAM STOSUR! Win or lose tonight, she's a champion. Although it would be reeeeally nice to have an Aussie win a Grand Slam again since, like, we used to be good at tennis and now kinda suck?

I've been coming down with something the last couple of days and my dad instructed over the phone to go to bed early, which I know is the sensible thing to do. "But Daaa-aaaad, it's the French Open's Women's Final at 10:45 and Australia vs USA at 10!" He groaned. Except it's soccer, which is the only thing in the world he would think trumps sleep. (I love World Cup time, because I can get away with anything with Dad!)

Also, today Carlton beat Melbourne by 41 points in heavy, heavy rain. So I'm hoping for a sporting victory trifecta, although I doubt I'll be so lucky.

Speaking of sick, I've had four colds since moving to Queensland six months ago. I usually would only get about one cold a year and I'm a bit irritated. Because Melbourne: south, winter, grey, cold. Queensland: north, sunny, humid, sea air. Why am I getting sicker here? Logic, my body has none.

NEWSFLASH: I've finally caught up with Glee! (Well, halfway through the latest episode; I got sleepy last night, shuddup.) And I know so many of my flist post about it and that makes me feel weird because once upon a time I got really excited by fandom? Now I feel so distant from it. I watch an episode and then not think too deeply about it. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO NOT DO FANDOM.

So! I need your help, Glee-watching flist. I have questions below of which I ask you to answer me.

Random observations of mine, and stuff I've read that might be "things".

TELL ME YOUR OPINIONS. I don't know if I'm being cool or not.

1. People don't really like Will Schuester. 'Cause you see, I do. Or, more likely, I think Matthew Morrison is like JT's older brother and is wildly talented and so I automatically like his character? TELL ME WHY I SHOULDN'T LIKE HIM BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING SOMETHING.

2. I got really sick of Will/Emma. Once again, I think this might be because my opinion of the actress is overshadowing the character. I didn't like her on Heroes and I didn't like her on Ugly Betty, and Emma's OCD got me kinda annoyed, so I didn't like her? And I thought Will/Emma were far too obvious. Emma = sweet, doe-eyed thing. Terri = evil wife. It just seemed so black and white for me. (Grey's did this leaving-your-wife thing so much better. Addison was the HBIC.)

3. I don't really hate any of the kids. For me, Rachel is supposed to be irritating and overambitious, but her singing is too good for me to feel that. Kurt does some awesome things and yeah, I can see his flaws but is there an actual reason to hate him? Though I'm kind of sensing everyone loves Quinn, which is good because I do too. Hurrah!

4. Jesse is annoying.

5. I'm thinking people like Sue. Right? Right? Please tell me you do. Because she's evil, but she's awesome.

6. Principal Figgins shits me more than anyone. I think it's because he is so unsupportive and bureaucratic and really not funny enough to balance it out like Sue. Every scene is just about him flailing about something.

7. I don't really have any ships. Which is REALLY, REALLY WEIRD FOR ME. I always have ships. A part of me flails when Finn and Rachel sing together but meh, he went all pining for her and Jesse arrived and I don't think I like them so much to actually ship them. Although Puck and Rachel were kind of hot. Puck going all sensitive on Quinn is sweet but, once again, not strong enough for me to be all fangirly.

I can't think of what else. But thanks in advance for helping me out, y'all. I'm so lost otherwise.

Got a call from my dad yesterday and my mum had slipped over on some wet leaves and broken her hip. That threw me out because a broken hip is an old person's injury. My mum's not that old! WTF. I'm sad because although it's not the worst thing that could happen, my mum is really active and being stuck in bed for a month is going to drive her nuts. And you don't heal that well when you're in your mid-50s and are built like a bird. And me being away doesn't help my brain, either. But the surgery of putting pins into the bones went fine, apparently, so that's good.

The newspaper said today that if an election was suddenly called, KRudd would lose in his home state. Good. I cannot stand him, and if you want to know my reasons, I will happily tell you. But I won't waste the space on here because really, this entry would be too long. (Like it isn't already.)

Ugh. My throat is feeling like sandpaper. Time for another tea.

life: melbourne, life: soccer, life: tennis, tv: glee, life: afl, life: gold coast

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