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Comments 42

soulnoire December 9 2009, 14:17:23 UTC
Oh glad you're back :D And I hope you had fun on your road trip.
So...my three things:
- I got an A on my poem interpretation in German!
- I put up my christmas decorations.
- I kissed a guy xD


cecism December 11 2009, 05:42:36 UTC
Thanks hon!

Those are all awesome things. (Well, the last one could be bad too... but I guess in this case it's good? *grin*) And a belated happy birthday, so sorry I missed it! ♥


condenast December 9 2009, 14:36:52 UTC
CEC!! There you are!!

The big prawn? OH THIS BIG PRAWN. It scared me shitless as I woke up on the bus at 4am.

3 things:
- writing the paper of doom
- made new friends in my MA programme
- love living with two small girls. Ovaries are hurting.


cecism December 11 2009, 05:47:34 UTC
THAT BIG PRAWN, UH HUH. (I would have been scared too... but admittedly, I LOL'd when I read that.)

I swear, there are babies stalking me. They're everywhere! And I want one! Guh. Damn ovaries.

Paper of doom = ouch. Nearly there, m'dear, you can do it!


vulcanicity December 9 2009, 16:19:43 UTC
In the last month:
- I have managed to completely hate the idea of Christmas...stupid school
- Take 5 exams (thsi week! And I have another 8! DNW!)
- I have squeeled CRAZILY over Julianne Moore in 30 Rock. OMGGGGG XD


cecism December 11 2009, 05:50:23 UTC
Whoa, 13 exams? That's nasty. Best of luck with them hon!

Exams can totally ruin Christmas like that. *sympathetic pat* The good thing about the southern hemisphere is that our long summer holidays fall over December/January... so you can relax completely. I don't know if I could handle it being any other way!

Julianne is going to be EPIC.


vulcanicity December 11 2009, 07:08:04 UTC
*sigh* Indeed. I've sat 6 of them already this week; 2 more today, and then 5 next week, and then CHRISTMASS! lol

Hehe *receives sympathetic pat* Yeah, you're lucky like that lol :P

She is OMG, have you seen the promo? OMG I AM SO EXCITED TO WATCH IT lol


cecism December 11 2009, 08:17:46 UTC
Oh, you poor thing. I guess at least there's something to look forward to? Presents! Hee.



fading_ripples December 9 2009, 16:22:07 UTC

Three things that have happened to me:
1. I thought about you last night and wondered if I should text you to make sure you were still alive and well. And you are, yay!

2. Finished one exam, next one tomorrow! Stupid weird teacher, so I'm not sure how well it's gonna go.

3. I've got two different firms who want to hire me after I graduate next semester..yaaay!


cecism December 11 2009, 05:52:09 UTC
Awww, you're so sweet! *tacklesquishes back*

And yay, you've finished your exams by now, hurrah! And that's beyond fantastic about being offered jobs. I'm jealous. ;)


ext_182007 December 9 2009, 22:25:37 UTC
I miss sprinklers! o.O It was so hot here the other day and I would have loved to have run through them. Aww, I miss the days when we'd turn on the front garden ones and then I'd try and run down to get the mail without getting wet. xD

Three things from the last month? Okay. :D
I had my tap concert and it was awesome fun!
I bought my ticket to go to Frankfurt next March... then onto the UK. :)
I went up to Sydney for a few days to catch up with my beloved Julia who moved there for work.

All in all, times have been a-fabulous! :D


cecism December 11 2009, 05:55:06 UTC
OMG, even here they were running the sprinklers full-pelt. It must be the Victorian in me that wants to run around like a headless chook, wailing, "NOOOOO, DON'T WASTE THE WAAAAAATERRRR!"

Ooh, Europe! Everyone's going and it depresses me because I'm not. I can't help my jealousy, hee. ;)

Glad you've been fab! :D


ext_182007 December 11 2009, 07:24:00 UTC
It's SO weird being overseas where there are no restrictions whatsoever... also, it's so weird realising how USED to restrictions I am, that it seems weird to NOT have them! xD It's gonna be mad being overseas for an extended period and bringing my water-saving ways with me. Hah, we're gonna have such a low water bill thanks to me. :P

Aww, but you have epic Australian adventures at least? :D


cecism December 11 2009, 08:20:18 UTC
My mum said the same when she went back to Sweden! She was like, "Geez, they leave their water running!" And had to explain all the restrictions to my relatives and they couldn't believe it. ;P

True, I can't complain! It's really quite juvenile of me, but when I was a kid my family always went overseas on holidays. I caught the travelling bug v. young. Now I haven't really gone anywhere for years, which I'm not accustomed to, but all my friends are off on exchanges or holidays and I'm just jealous of them 'cause I'm not used to it! Such a petty thing, I know. *facepalm* You're gonna have a blast though!


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