(no subject)

Dec 10, 2009 00:08

OMGWHUTWHUT. I'm actually here? Again? Wowee. You guys, I don't know how I go for a month without being on LJ. I really, really don't. I used to get deprived after three days! And it's not that I don't want to (O'COURSE) but I'm getting so tied up with travelling and moving and all that jazz that I don't get much time on the computer anymore. It's feeling very unloved, sitting here in a lonely corner of the spare room and wailing, "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME ANYMOOOOOORE". (I swear it does. Shuddup.)

So! As of yesterday we're officially Queenslanders, when the settlement of the house went through. Aside from the fact that the house isn't in my name, and I still have a Victorian license... but small details!

Went back to Melbourne for about five days, and for the last six days we've been roadtrippin' north. See? (Follow the rainbow trail. Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the rainbow trail!)

I mean, you can technically do it in three days. But we wanted to take our time and see things in between, rather than just driving through. Good fun, and we saw the Big Banana and the Big Prawn! Edit: Everywhere in NSW (the state in between Victoria and Queensland) had sprinklers on. Everywhere! I have not seen a sprinkler since... I can't even remember. I was so amazed. Do they not have water restrictions anymore? JEALOUS.

Also saw Britneeeeeeey (haters to the left, 'cause I had a fantastic time - it's not like we haven't known she's been lipsyncing for years, honestly! And her dancing was awesome, I don't know what people were on about it being half-arsed), Strassman (HILARIOUS), and this dinner and meet-and-greet with Ray Martin. He's one of Australia's most respected news journalists, and I didn't know much about him except that he's been around for decades and is on TV, you know. But he is the most genuine, friendliest, funny people I've ever met. I'm going to start reading his autobiography now. And I swear there was more I was going to tell you but I can't think of it now, and this is getting long, yes?

Clearly I haven't been flisting for a while now. I'll try and catch up sporadically. BUT: I was so touched to open my inbox this morning and discover that eugis, icrush, coraphee, mad_carrie and reiko sent me snowflakes! Thank you, girls! Especially since I've been such a crappy friend in the past six months. Seriously, I don't know why I haven't been kicked off everyone's flists by now. Thank you for sticking with me, guys. It means a lot. ♥

On that note, it's midnight and I'm buggered! Here's a challenge: write me three things that have happened to you/you achieved in the last month. Big, small, trivial, I don't care! You aced an exam! You baked a cake! You put up your Christmas tree! You bought new shoes! You saw Tracy Jordan sleep on Ted Danson's roof! (Have I put in enough exclamation marks to show my upmost enthusiasm? Kthen.) I'd love to hear it. In the meantime, g'night!

general life, life: melbourne, life: holiday, music: britney, life: concerts, life: gold coast

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