(no subject)

Nov 11, 2009 22:39


Just a quick holler to let you know I'm still alive. Moved here two days ago and a part of my brain still thinks I've gone on holiday. (I find it kind of hilarious that I've moved to Queensland, Land of Sun, and yet Melbourne's going through a heatwave not seen since 1902. Take that, those people who think it's always cold down there! Though sympathy, Melburnians; I hate the heat.)

I still don't have my computer. It's been, what, two weeks now? ARGH. I get it on Friday - apparently. So I haven't been on LJ at all, with no chance of catching up. What's been happening with everyone? What's the 411? Tell me everything! Mom, can you go fix your hair?

Had a nice last week: Melbourne Cup Day BBQ (still find it amusing that we get a four-day weekend for a three-minute horse race) but sadly didn't win anything; cocktails with the girls, in which they gave me flowers and a scrapbook full of photos from when I was eight and onwards; and on my last day at work the kids made me a giant card and got me more flowers and a boardgame, which was so sweet. I've never really felt so appreciated - oh, well, I guess I did when I moved to Hong Kong, but I was eleven so it was a bit different.

Going back to Melbourne at the end of the month though, for my sister's dance concert and Britney, bitch! We're driving back up, which I've never done before. Should take about three days. And then back for Christmas... like I've been telling my friends, it's hardly like I've left!

Hope everyone's well, I miss hearing from you all! ♥

life: gold coast

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