(no subject)

Oct 28, 2009 10:55

Whoa, Nelly! How have I not updated for three weeks? Just realised that my last entry - if you can even call it that? - was a quick note about bad life stuff and that's not a really positive thing to end on, is it? So just wanted to check in again and apologise for being a horrible, seemingly unattentive friend. Life has been busy. (But you've heard that excuse before.)

So I'm moving at the end of next week. NEXT. WEEK. I AM FREAKING. (Also combined with the fact that I was told yesterday that I have to have my stuff packed by Friday. That's the day after tomorrow. Cue for me to run around like a headless chook in sheer panic.

So, life. I've done a few things. Namely:

1. Saw Peter Combe perform, two Saturday nights ago. For my non-Aussies, Peter Combe is this legendary children's singer of the 80s and 90s, and over the last couple of years has been doing 'adult tours'. That is, playing to audiences who grew up with his music. You know when you hear a song from your childhood and be total dorks with your friends? THAT WAS THIS CONCERT. But with two hundred more people (it was an intimate concert at a bar lounge). BEST. FUN. EVER. Because there's nothing more awesome than singing Mr Clicketty Cane at the top of your lungs.

2. Saw Chicago, which was awesome because I was supposed to see it in September but I was in Hong Kong. The Boy changed the tickets so I got to go in the end! It was pretty good - Caroline O'Connor is just brilliant, as you would expect considering she'd done it on Broadway. Gina Riley was amusing. Unfortunately Craig MacLachlan... is not. He just lacked something. Ah well.

3. Saw John Farnham last night and the night before. (The Boy's family are massive fans.) There are no words. That man is - I know I just used the word 'legendary' before but I'll use it again. LEGENDARY. The Boy's family are friends with two of his backup singers, and we almost got to go backstage, except they said they weren't going to in the end because the area was about three metres wide, heh. But seriously, y'all. Hearing You're The Voice live is probably one of the most magical moments of my life. It's not just a song. I mean, it's basically our unofficial national anthem. No offence to them, but Chris Martin nor any Idol contestants have anything on The Man.

Having said that, when Coldplay did it with him at Sound Relief, watching the clip makes me get goosebumps every time:

image Click to view

There was a downer, though. Last week was the fifth anniversary of the death of my old work manager's daughter. She died at age fourteen from melanoma. I can't believe it's been five years. And then the next day, I found out via the interweb that my old basketball coach/sports teacher in Hong Kong had died from leukaemia in August. I was gutted, because at my old school he was something of a mentor to me and always took the time out to give me private lessons whenever he saw me shoot hoops after school. I regret not keeping in touch with him like I'd told him I would.

ANYWAY. My computer is going to be packed up in a couple of days and I won't be around for about a week and a half then. Not that it makes much difference these days, ha ha. Got a busy time ahead of me before I leave Melbourne: one last girly sleepover with the gang, goodbye cocktails, a Melbourne Cup BBQ, The Boy's birthday dinner, my sister's birthday dinner... phew. I'm still freaking out about packing. Also sad, because it's my rooooom. I'm sentimental like that.

Have a lovely rest of the week, everyone, and I'm going to try and catch up on the flist this afternoon! ♥

Edit: I got an iPhone a few days ago, gleeeeeeeeee! (A very early Christmas present, LOL.) Whoever here has one, tell me your favourite apps! The freer the better, yo. ;)
Edit II: Can't believe I haven't mentioned it yet but 30 ROCK IS BACK YAAAAAY. This season has been rockin' so far.

general life, life: melbourne, life: concerts, tv: 30 rock

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