Title: I’ll Find My Words When There’s No One Talking
exmptfromsanity Word Count: 15,329
Rating: PG-13 for some (everyday) language
Pairing: Ian/Johnson, with a little bit of Cash/Alex, and some barely there Patrick/Pete and William/Gabe (and a few surprises).
Summary: This is what the off-season looks like for the Chicagoland circus. Ian’s not sure what to do with this.
Disclaimer: Umm… Ian’s hair may look like a lions mane but I don’t see him training circus cats in his free time. The boys belong to themselves. I only wish this were true.
Author’s Note: I’ve been working on this on and off since I wrote the first one which can be found (link). Unfortunately, student teaching made me way too busy. Here it is.
Also, the original story can be found
here Part I Part II Part III