019 - sorry for the srs bzns, ros

Apr 11, 2011 09:16

[Private to Arthur. Mal's been going over some of her private notes and just realised that Arthur told her that his last job pre-Barge was an inception. And now she wants answers.]

I need to talk to you. As soon as possible.

.arthur, getting better but forgiveness is hard, going to punch cobb in the face someday, arthur is the only one i almost-trust

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private paradoxlol April 11 2011, 14:40:46 UTC
What's wrong?


spam paradoxlol April 11 2011, 20:15:11 UTC
[Arthur very nearly winces at that laugh, because he's not expecting it, not from Mal, and he isn't sure what to do with this feeling of guilt rising inside of him. It's so unlike anything he's accustomed to.]

It's too late for me to change anything, Mal. The job's done. I'm just... on a plane right now, between Sydney and LA, waiting for the timer to run down.


spam cauchemal April 11 2011, 20:21:20 UTC
[Dreaming, she almost says, but bites down on the word and turns away. She shoves her hands in her pockets, and her right hand finds her totem and works the solution almost instantly; the two pieces of the puzzle slip apart under her fingers and she almost wants to weep. Still not dreaming. Still here. Then, a little savagely:]

Maybe he learnt his lesson. I hope so, for the mark's sake.

[Dripping with the bitterest of sarcasm:] I should hate for him to have two deaths on his conscience.


spam paradoxlol April 11 2011, 20:40:10 UTC
[Arthur sighs in a defeated sort of way.] If my deal doesn't pan out, he's not going to learn much of anything. Cobb's in Limbo. The whole job was a bad idea, and I'm-- I'm just trying to salvage what I can.


spam cauchemal April 11 2011, 20:44:10 UTC
Limbo. [That ugly laugh again.] He may as well stay there for all I care.

[The horrible words spill out before she can stop herself this time, and she presses her hand to her mouth as if trying to stuff them back. Of course, it's too late. And it's not as if they're entirely untrue, either.]


spam paradoxlol April 11 2011, 20:53:47 UTC
I know what he did to you was terrible. [He pauses, trying to pick his words carefully, but decides it's time to stop walking on eggshells about this. When he speaks again, his voice regains its usual confidence.] But losing you, that tore a hole in everyone who knew you. But your kids, Miles, your friends, me-- we don't deserve to lose you both!


spam cauchemal April 11 2011, 21:17:49 UTC
[She flinches and raises her hands, almost putting them over her ears like a child; she doesn't, though, instead moving them as if to push Arthur away, even though he's not near enough for her to touch him. Angry tears are starting in her eyes, but she ignores them, even as they start to run down her face.]

And you'll all forgive him, won't you? You'll all be sorry for him and do everything you can to give him his happy ending, and where am I? A shade in his memories, in his dreams; the mad wife who set him up ... but he'll never pay for what he did, will he? And when you go home, when you pluck him out of Limbo, I'll still be here.


spam paradoxlol April 11 2011, 21:53:51 UTC
Hey... [His expression softens, and he lifts a hand, starting to reach out to offer a comforting touch, then stops himself, unsure as to whether she'd even tolerate it from him right now.] He has to live with what he did to you. I've seen what the guilt's done to him. That's not a happy ending.

And you... You're not going to be stuck here. You'll get out, get your life back, and you'll be able to do anything you want. I'll stick by you until the end. [Which may not be what she wants right now, but he means it. Both Cobbs have his loyalty-- Mal moreso than Dom at this point, if only because of what he's seen now and how dangerous his partner's deceptions turned out to be.]


spam cauchemal April 11 2011, 22:03:43 UTC
[She stares at him, dumbfounded; she had thought that her angry words would have driven him away, and she wasn't expecting this degree of understanding or sympathy.]

But he gets to live, Arthur. [Quietly now, less angry-at Arthur, at least, if not at her husband-though no less heartbroken. She sags against the nearest wall, her arms wrapped around herself.] And I still do not understand what I'm meant to do here, and if I don't understand that, how will I ever leave?


spam - sorry for the brief lag. ARTHUR JUST COMPLETELY GOT AWAY FROM ME FOR A BIT paradoxlol April 14 2011, 04:05:33 UTC
Someone has to. [Although Arthur really would prefer it to be both of them. Not together, at this point-- he has a feeling that if she ever makes a deal to return home when this is over, the first thing she'll do is get a divorce from Cobb.] It's... complicated. Wardens don't even know sometimes. It's just... something you two've got to work out together. Angelica, I mean.


spam - np! And this is tough stuff, too. :/ cauchemal April 14 2011, 04:30:35 UTC
[Mal nods sadly. At least, she thinks, the children are not entirely alone, even if their father-no. She'd rather talk about the Barge now.]

She is very kind, Angelica. A good woman, and patient. [A tiny half-smile.] I am very lucky in that, I suppose.


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