Goodbye BSG. It's been fun and painful and sad.

Mar 21, 2009 12:01

I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts on the finale.
I simultaneously loved and hated it, which is probably what RDM was going for.
Since I am an RDM cynic.

Like I've said before. I broke up with Show last year sometime. 
We've been friends with benefits for a while now.

More than anything I will miss the people on LJ being rabid or silly or ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

pixie_on_acid March 21 2009, 18:52:06 UTC
Well, then, another thing for me to be thankful to BSG for. You stuck around, we met and then we added each other to our flists. :)


catku March 21 2009, 19:06:18 UTC
awww :)

We were always destined to meet through Kate.
Kate has this magical ability to bring people together.
I miss her presence tremendously . LJ is not the same
with out her.

Kate and I met because of her post about the death of John Lennon, not long after I joined LJ. I I stalked her then introduced myself. I think she and sabaceanbabe were my first non RL lj friends.

Are you feeling any better now?
I know you have many strong shoulders to lean on, but you have my direct email too right? You and I battle similar demons. I mean it when I say I am here for you.


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