Goodbye BSG. It's been fun and painful and sad.

Mar 21, 2009 12:01

I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts on the finale.
I simultaneously loved and hated it, which is probably what RDM was going for.
Since I am an RDM cynic.

Like I've said before. I broke up with Show last year sometime. 
We've been friends with benefits for a while now.

More than anything I will miss the people on LJ being rabid or silly or philosophical and creative. 
BSG was a huge part of why I stuck with LJ after my
RL stalker incident led to me deleting my original journal and going friends only.

I don't generally do post show fandom unless I missed it entirely to begin with (ala Farscape).
I wonder how long I'll continue to be a member of communities related. Probably until the box
sets come out and The Plan airs.

It's my fellow fans and the fervor I will miss.  I've gotten so used to having to wait for haitus
to end that I think with a little help from other shows I'll be ok.   :)  My life has been so full of
transition after transition after transition in the last 3 years that I've lost many of my attachments,
or let go of my deathlike grip on them.  My husband said "This is the end of an era in your life"
and a year ago I would have said yes, but I looked at him and said " It's just a TV show- all good things
must end"

I will say this:

1) Thank you Ron for not destroying the Family Agathon. You do have a heart.

2) I can kind of see why you had Lee go off early in Season 4 and start to do things
that had nothing to do with his dad or Kara, because he was going to end up having
to go on without them.

3) Thank you for telling Tyrol the truth, even if he maligned his poor little wife after her funeral.
I guess he really did care about her, even if it turned out it wasn't his son.  You don't kill a fellow
2000 year old final cylon for lying to you, you don't speak to them again, but you don't strangle
them for throwing your life into chaos. (Not that it wouldn't have gone into chaos because of what
Cally was planning to do).  He avenged Cally, for whatever reason, her murder has been avenged.

4) What were you trying to tell us about Kara and Lee, that they never had good timing despite
their chemistry?  That Kara couldn't be trusted even with her fiancee in the room? That their doomed
attraction was too strong to ignore and yet they somehow always managed to keep from fixing
what was wrong?

5) Thank you for giving Roslin a peaceful beautiful death, even though she did bad things
to the Agathons (presumably out of misguided belief that it was keeping the humans safe)

6) Nice touch giving Gaius and Caprica a chance to earn their redemption.

7) WTF selling the Caprica pilot before it even airs?  You greedy bastards.
You KNOW we're pissed that it's going to take so long to air and if you sell enough
DVD's it might ensure you another 13 episodes?

8)) I don't give a flying frak about the Tighs...THERE!   I've said it. I'm a heretic.  I don't believe
their love was epic nor is it believable.  I don't find Ellen compelling she has always made me sick.
Tigh was a much better man after he found out he was going to be a father. (not that I liked that storyline either.)
 I swear I had a shoe in hand waiting to throw at my TV if they showed that damned stripper joint

9) A dead Racetrack accidentally saving them by nuking. GAH! I'm pissed that you started writing
Racetrack off the rails anyway so you'll never have my forgiveness for ruining a great 2ndary character
(oh wait...that's what you do Cally, Dee, Gaeta etc. just add Racetrack to the list huh?)

10) 150k years in the future anvilicious epilogue of doom (tm)-- heavy handed, preachy, oh and who was
that guy who needs to trim his beard...oh it's your cameo... >.>

11) Big space battle (which was awesome) is over and there are 50  minutes left in the show? Bloated
storytelling, unwieldy, out of your control much?  No wonder you were struggling with how to wrap it up. I know
you needed to time to give some happily ever afters and explain but it was sluggish and self indulgent.

12) Convenient way to keep the archeological findings consistent by them destroying the spaceships
and technology.  But it's a harsh harsh prehistoric world out there.  Influenza probably killed half of them in
the first 5 years, if only you'd kept the penicillin and the microscope. Why did it have to be OUR earth?
You couldn't just leave well enough alone and let them live. You had to go out with heavy handed commentary
on our world , which given the shows penchant for exploring real world political commentary I guess you
couldn't really avoid.

This is not to say that I didn't cry or clap. 
It's still one of the best shows I've ever watched. 
It just got  bogged down and lost it's way a little.

Goodbye BSG.  It's been fun and painful and sad.

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