BSG - Spoilery speculation about their plan for the colony

Mar 15, 2009 19:04

So my husband has this hair-brained idea, that may not be so hair brained.

He thinks they will jump to the blank spot above the colony long enough to
plot another jump into the  VAST center of the colony.  They then become
like a guy with a bomb around his chest, right in the middle of their precariously
perched cylon colony , on the edge of the silly singularity.

This allows them to send the recovery/escape party via raptors once inside,
then destroy the colony by self destructing the galactica and knocking all those
nasty Cavils into the black hole.

He apparently couldn't sleep so he was thinking about it.

Thoughts? puzzlements? reason why this isn't possible but RDM's science
advisor won't be able to convince him of that?

Of course he hasn't watched the this may all be moot, but
if I were looking for a way in this might not be a bad solution : )
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