Try Me

Mar 05, 2020 14:45

The challenge is to try a new craft or new recipe.

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recipes, food, lighthouse_the

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Comments 3

lab_brat March 6 2020, 00:54:12 UTC
This looks really delicious! I can honestly say I have never heard of it though, nor even of hominy. I tried googling it to see if its available in Australia but it looks like its one of those "order from a specialty store" online things. Does it taste like normal corn? Or more like a chickpea kind of thing? Also, what are the round green things on the backing tray? They don't look familiar to me.


catko March 6 2020, 05:25:25 UTC
Hmm, that's a good call about the hominy, it's a form of corn and has a slight corn taste, but in texture and blandness it is rather more like chickpeas. The round green things are tomatillos. They look like green tomatoes, are somewhat sour, and make a nice sauce. These get roasted along with the various kinds of peppers and onions. Then most of it gets blended into the soup/sauce. It is a lovely dish...


blue_sunflowers March 6 2020, 06:35:14 UTC
Can you do this in a crockpot? It sounds like another recipe to add to my menu board, even though I don't recognize half the words in your post so will need to look them up. 🥗🍜


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