you're not the only one refusing to back down

Jul 06, 2007 22:20

give a girl some help?

what are your favourite angry songs?

something with a little omg you fucking suck i fucking hate you this is fucking retarded i want to punch someone or dance really violently I AM SO ANGRY (and yet, i am still awesome - everyone else just kind of sucks!). anything, kids?

i don't have enough angry music right now.

edit: ( Read more... )

music please

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Comments 25

spoopy July 6 2007, 12:45:11 UTC
Cannibal Corpse? Or some Korn? They're angry. Cannibal Corpse is a lot more macabre, though. They may not be suited to your tastes, though.


cathiexx July 6 2007, 12:48:38 UTC
lol, korn are definitely angry. i haven't listened to them in years! reckon i'll give them a shot. thanks dear!

yeah, i'm not in the mood for anything too over the top. just... something with a bit of bite in it, y'know? with the whole 'hell yes, you suck and i win' kind of vibe. maybe angry isn't the word i'm looking for.


spoopy July 6 2007, 13:20:36 UTC
Indignant, perhaps? Or defiant? Triumphant? Justified or vindicated?

Am uploading some Korn now for you.


spoopy July 6 2007, 17:40:38 UTC
Stupid LJ ate my comment.

Korn: Follow The Leader - whole album in a .zip file.

Hope you like! =)


bertiebob July 6 2007, 13:13:54 UTC
Well you know me, when i want angry!music i go for Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, but i'm guessing that's not what you're after? No? Maybe not.

Actually, mr iPod just shuffled a few Garbage songs - i forgot how angry some of their stuff was. As Heaven Is Wide, in particular. I loves my bitter twisted music ;)

I should totally make you an angry mix cd. *nods*


cathiexx July 7 2007, 04:13:09 UTC
mmmmm. mm is always a good choice. thanks, dear.

oh yeah, garbage is good, too. definitely a top choice. and lol, i knew you'd have some suggestions for me babe.

OMG, YOU TOTALLY SHOULD. if you want. <3


matchlightfire July 6 2007, 13:39:25 UTC
I always like some girl!punk when I'm feeling particularly feisty...when my best friend slept with the man I loved (oh man...that was NOT of the fun) I couldn't stop listening to The Donnas - Fall Behind Me (mostly because of the lyric "how long is she gonna be around/how long do we have to watch her dumb it down/'cause when it's cheap, it fades fast/how long does the think it's gonna last"...just...summed up my feelings at that moment;)

Alanis Morissette is always fun fuel on the fire, and anything by the Distillers (Brody = LOVE).


cathiexx July 7 2007, 04:14:19 UTC
oh, dude. that would have sucked HARDCORE. and definitely downloading, because i love the donnas but don't have anything of theirs. thanks so much for that!

so many good suggestions! thanks hon!


fated_addiction July 6 2007, 14:30:51 UTC
Do you want me to make you a mix? Because I can.


cathiexx July 7 2007, 04:15:26 UTC
gorgeous, i would melt if you made me a mix. you know how i feel about your taste in music. ♥


fated_addiction July 7 2007, 05:15:20 UTC
i'll totally make you a mix.


it's like my rpf night. another ryan/rachel. and now, now, i'm writing kirsten dunst and jason schwartzman fic. lol.


cathiexx July 7 2007, 05:41:39 UTC
yay! looking forward to it, bub.

dude. how did i miss the second r/r? totally reading now. and aww, i am not familiar with jason schwartzman! this makes me sad. but still, i will read when you post.

AND OMG. i totally found a post that will convince you to write christopher/mariska rpf. IT TOTALLY WILL. i will find it and link you and then we'll all be happy. *nods*


(The comment has been removed)

cathiexx July 7 2007, 04:17:49 UTC
awww. AWWWWWW. <3 <3 <3

quit being so lovely, darling! it's already hard enough to not be near you!



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