you're not the only one refusing to back down

Jul 06, 2007 22:20

give a girl some help?

what are your favourite angry songs?

something with a little omg you fucking suck i fucking hate you this is fucking retarded i want to punch someone or dance really violently I AM SO ANGRY (and yet, i am still awesome - everyone else just kind of sucks!). anything, kids?

i don't have enough angry music right now.

edit: okay, so i'm rephrasing my initial request. angry is definitely not the right word here. that's not what i'm looking for. i'm after music that is... empowering. i'm struggling for the right word here, guys.

i want 'you know, you really suck and i hate you but guess what? I AM STILL AWESOME AND MUCH BETTER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE!' - you got anything like that for me?

music please

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