a teenage vow in a parking lot

Jul 04, 2007 22:06

i want to get up at six am tomorrow morning so i can go for a run. and, um, that means that i should probably be going to bed now, right? right.

i'm trying to write jim/karen post-beach games fic. it's sort of working and then sort of not.

And now they’re in his car, and he’s driving, and she supposes that they’re going back to his place.

He still hasn’t spoken. And the silence is making her lungs ache.


He keeps watching the road.

She tries to push a laugh past her throat, but it comes out sort of strangled. “Weird night, huh?”

grrrrrr. muses? come play, please.

also, i'm writing disney!fic for fireworkfiasco. because she did for me and i like to repay people when they make my melt into a puddle of mushy goo. so there. is a tinkerbell/peter/wendy triangle too weird? even for me?

i don't want to go to work tomorrow. i reaaaaaally don't.

goodnight, kids. it's time for dreaming. ♥ mwah.
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