let's start a riot

Jun 18, 2007 16:12

my luck at the moment? really pretty fucking awful ( Read more... )

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cathiexx June 18 2007, 06:46:51 UTC
thanks so much sweetie. ♥ really, now, i'm just so thankful i'm okay and that nobody else was involved. because accidents on high ways? fucking scary stuff.

haha, i was crying in the shower when i got home and i was totally thinking, "i need to buy myself a bike, for reals".

having you here is more than enough, gorgeous. thank you. <3 <3 <3 ilu.


missymeggins June 18 2007, 06:50:00 UTC
omg hun! i'm so glad to hear that you're ok. but damn. that is just sucky. i'm so sorry hun. *huggles*

i hope it doesn't take too long to get the insurance and the car sorted out. ♥


cathiexx June 18 2007, 12:51:12 UTC
thanks darling. and thank you for the text. it means alot! ♥

yeah, me too! we're quite desperate for some sort of transportation, you know? my mum works at this hard to get place where there isn't any readily available public transport. so, yep. a car is needed!

thanks again!


beeeez June 18 2007, 06:51:13 UTC
oh baby girl. i'm so sorry. i'm so glad you are ok. and it's totally not your fault, but i get that you are upset. it still sucks, even though it wasn't your fault.

i want to give you the biggest hug right now, i really really do *cuddles*

i hope you feel better. i'll send you chocolate.



cathiexx June 18 2007, 12:45:44 UTC
thanks so much b. yeah, it's just an upsetting thing. especially because it inconveniences more than just me; it affects my mum and my brother too.

awww. i'll take a virtual hug anyway, darling! *smooshes*

hee. ♥


rainsquall June 18 2007, 07:38:39 UTC
Christ. People are just. . . grr. Hope the police find the asshole truckie. Good to hear you're safe.



cathiexx June 18 2007, 12:39:38 UTC
thanks gorgeous! *smooches* i think they've contacted his trucking company, and i'm now waiting for them to call me with their insurance details. the waiting succcccks!



bertiebob June 18 2007, 08:42:13 UTC
Omg Cathie, i am so glad that you're okay. That's fucking insane. Trucks are just BAD NEWS. I hope the guy gets hung out to dry, the fucker.

Anyway, you're okay, and that's really what's important. Not having a car sucks monumentally, but it's better than not having a Cathie. *squishes you like mad*

(Also, i'm SO sorry about not getting back to you about the party! Did Brooke tell you? I lost my phone the other day, again, so i didn't get your sms, and i haven't been on lj so i didn't see your post. Please don't be mad! :S I had both the kids that night, so i wouldn't have been able to make it anyway, but still, i feel awful for not letting you know. I will make it up to you via baking. *nods* I have a month off starting Wednesday night - cupcakes and brownies will soon be appearing on your doorstep.)


cathiexx June 18 2007, 12:38:17 UTC
seriously. they go way too fast and they're so fucking big and... yeah. really, i'm not angry. i just want insurance money, like, ten hours ago.

so true. the more and more i think about what happened and where i was and what COULD have happened? scares the shit outta me. so thankful. i really am.

don't worry about the party business, sweetie. lol. i didn't give you much notice anyway and IT WAS VERY LAME. seriously. people were playing boxes on the tablecloths. a very, very lame party. i had a shitty night. so i'm sort of glad you couldn't make it. ha. and oh, yeah! yay for time off!! i've missed you liek whoa, kateness!!


bertiebob June 18 2007, 14:40:50 UTC
Trucks are the devil. You know me and my fabulous history with trucks - i still change lanes whenever one gets behind me. Hopefully it won't take too long - once they find the guy/company it'll be a no-contest thing so it should be fast. Still, 10hrs ago would be better. Or winning the lotto.

These sort of things always hit you later on. The adrenaline and whatnot stop you from processing. Give it a couple of days and you'll just stop and be like - holy fuck. Not good. It took me 2yrs worth of PTSD bullshit before i even started to wrap my head around it. Happy days. *is cheery*

Aww :( I'm sorry you had a shitty night. You and Brooke and Meg and i should go out and have a do-over. 'Cathie's Party 2.0 - the awesome version'. *nods* Hit the city and get a hotel for the night, or something. For reals. You can't have a shitty 21st, it's just not allowed.


beeeez June 19 2007, 02:34:39 UTC
hijacking and saying that YES I WOULD SO BE UP FOR THAT YO.


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