let's start a riot

Jun 18, 2007 16:12

my luck at the moment? really pretty fucking awful.

i was involved in an accident coming home from the gym this morning. a fucking semi-trailer wasn't watching where he was going and merged into my lane WHILE I WAS THERE and clipped me, sending me into the grass bank in the middle of the high way, where i lost control of the car and spun around and hit the safety barrier and pretty much freaked out.

meanwhile, the semi-trailer didn't stop. at all.

long story short? i'm okay. i had a lot of people stop and get out of their cars and help me (because honestly, i was in shambles) and a couple of guys even managed to get the registration number and company name of the trailer. they were all very helpful, making sure i was okay and calling the police for me. they all gave me their numbers so that the police could contact them for witnesses.

the police took my statement and all that jazz and followed me home as i drove the car back. basically, the car can be driven but the steering is all crazy and out of whack and the suspension is stuffed and yeah, it's not safe to drive.

so we no longer have a car.

that's why i feel so horrible. the police and witnesses have all told me that it wasn't my fault, i did nothing wrong, that the semi-trailer driver is officially at fault and that i actually should be proud that i handled the car so well that i didn't affect anybody else and stopped safely, but the thing is? my mum doesn't have a car that can be driven. she needs to get to and from work. and it's just... fuck, this stuffs everything up.

the police called me back later today, and told me they were still chasing up the details from the truck company about insurance details and whatever. i guess i'll be hearing from their insurance company next so... yeah. the police have assured me that the trailer's insurance company should definitely have to pay for the damages to the car - but that shit takes time, you know?

this just... really, really sucks. this is the last thing i need right now. this is the last thing my family needs. and all i want to do is collapse into mark's arms and now i can't even do THAT, because he doesn't have a car that works and now i don't have a car that works and now i'm fucking stuck here at home.

seriously, life. cut me a fucking break. can i at least win the lotto now, or something? WE NEED A CAR!
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