Remembering. Chapter 2 (2/2). Kensei/Hiro.

Sep 01, 2010 14:50

Title : Remembering
Chapter : 2/2
Author : cat_2worlds 
Pairing : Kensei/Hiro (Slash)
Rating : T
Warning : Spoilers for season 3.
Summary : Kensei thinks about his love for Hiro and about everything that happened since they met and it goes on. Angstier now.
Note : Enjoy! :D Monroe is a bit..angry in this one xD! Plus, I tried to be more into character with this chapter !!:D I don't know why but I'm pretty good in doing so with EVERY OTHER character..but I got problems with Kensei/Monroe D: I don't know... tell me if I managed to get it better than last time! :D Thank you!


Still Thinking

Here I am. After everything I’ve been put through because of you, you dared, you silly carp, think I would not survive. Well, surprise! Guess what, lil’ fish? I did!

You humiliated me, disappointed me, you broke me and you hurt me like no one could ever do it. And on top of that, you painfully changed my perception of this world.

Right now, I am walking in circles around you, my little carp. Seeing you again after so many centuries makes resurface many things. The only thing not resurfacing is love that’s been annihilated by the hate you made me feel long ago.

We’re here, looking at each other straight in the eyes, being on the prowl around the other one. You, wanting desperately to stop me for YOU think I am the villain when YOU, Hiro, were the one to hurt me deeply. Me, wanting to make you suffer, prove you you’re wrong and get the small bottle we both are aiming for but for different reasons.

I want to destroy this world with the virus in that precise little bottle. Because eben if the years go by, the people don’t change; they still stray horrible, egoist and atrocious. THIS  is my new perception of this rotten world; the one I got after seeing how wrong it was… thanks to you. When seeing you, the nicest person, the most perseverant one and the most powerful man that I had ever seen, betray me like that and break the love I felt deep inside me for you, it turned my world upside down. Badly. Pff, carp! Forget it! I ain’t ever gonna feel love again for you! No way! You’re not worth it. You’re like every other rotten person living in this world, carp!

I would have loved to keep you as a friend, at least if I couldn’t get your love. But no, you made me choose another way. A way I now agree with but that I used to despise. And, I would have love to be happy to meet you again, 4 hundred years later instead of hating you to the core. But now, I am here to humiliate you like you did to me and destroy the world you hold so dear. Disgusting… with your little goody thinking. You think you’re a hero. Well, you’re not!!! You’re as worst as me if not more. You heartless man.

I’ll do whatever it takes, even kill you, to make this world disappear. And you’ll never stop me, carp!

I once loved you, admired you and counted on you. But you’ve broken me centuries ago. My scar isn’t visible but, trust me, it’s there. I feel it everyday damn day I’m living! It is my frustration, hurt and humiliation.

But the most surprising thing out of all this is that I am still thinking of you, stupid lovely carp of mine…


cat_2worlds, kensei/hiro, fanfiction, remembering

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