(no subject)

Jun 27, 2011 18:23

So, um. Hi, guys. *waves* This comm was started a little while ago and I don't see any entries for it, so I'm just gonna leave this here and hope maybe we can get it kicked off. Because honestly, I love Castle Black and the Night's Watch. I've seen the entire series (multiple times) but I've only read GoT once, and I'm almost done with CoK, so apologies if anyone's OOC as this is the first fic I've written for the fandom. Yay!

Title: Untitled
Author: tcregan
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Jon
Warnings: Don't think there's any. Rated G and rather safe for work
Spoilers: None that I can think of, follows book canon and show canon both
Summary: Sam tries to be brave.

He watched the way Jon’s eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed at a joke Pyp had told, and decided that tonight was going to be the night. Sam could have laughed at that decision. It was a brave decision, and he was naught but a coward. But Jon wouldn’t laugh at him. Jon wouldn’t reject him. Jon was his friend, his one true friend on the Wall, and anywhere. He licked his lips and hid his shaking hands. Tonight.

The night, like all other nights on the Wall, was dark, quiet and cold. Sam squinted against the sharp, biting wind as he walked the top carefully, two mugs of warmed, spiced wine in hand. Strictly speaking they weren’t supposed to drink while on watch duty, but as long as Alliser Thorne or Commander Mormont didn’t catch him, no one would ever know. He smiled at Jon and handed him the mug. Jon took it with a nod of thanks.

They didn’t speak for awhile, standing together, the fire crackling quietly between them. Sam could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest and wondered if Jon could hear it.

“What is it?” Jon asked, making him jump.

Sam swallowed. Maybe Jon could hear it. No, he reasoned, Jon was just being thoughtful, like he always was. “Just some stray thoughts,” he said cautiously.

“Tell me.”

It was neither a question nor a statement. Sam knew that if he didn’t want to talk, Jon wouldn’t pressure him. He sipped his own wine, hoping it would steel his nerves.

“D’you ever think it’ll be warm again?”

Jon’s smile was just barely visible by the firelight. “I don’t know, Sam.”

Sam took a hesitant step forward, around the fire, mindful of his cloak. He waited until Jon’s gaze redirected from the forest to himself, and noted the slight frown as his friend took in the proximity in which Sam was standing.

“I guess the Starks will have to change their words, won’t they? ‘Winter is here’.”

Before Jon could answer, Sam, heart pounding, stomach fluttering, leaned in and pressed his lips to Jon’s. Jon opened his mouth to protest, to say something, and Sam thrust his tongue inside Jon’s mouth. There was a fleeting moment in which Sam thought Jon would grab hold of him and fling him from the Wall, but it would have been worth it. Jon’s lips were soft and warm and felt wonderful. Unresponsive but only for a few moments before he felt Jon’s tongue slide slickly against his. They kissed for what felt like hours and while Sam’s heart never stopped its wild dance, nor his stomach ceased its fluttering, he felt brave for the first time in his life.

Until someone coughed.

They broke apart quickly, Sam catching a fleeting glimpse of the interrupter before staring at his feet. Commander Mormont himself was patrolling the Wall, it seemed.

“Lord Commander,” Jon greeted him, obviously pretending that nothing was amiss.

Silence for awhile, and then Mormont’s gruff voice. “You boys know you shouldn’t be drinking on duty.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Sam watched Jon hand over both mugs to Mormont, who finished the wine himself. He started to walk away before turning back to look at the two boys.

“I’ll have Pyp and Grenn take the watch tomorrow night.”

His footsteps faded and Sam chanced a glance at Jon, who was looking at him.

Jon smiled.

fanfiction, pairing: jon/sam

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