the perfect antidote to that hellatus: S6 Casfest Commentmeme

Dec 28, 2010 15:46

Hi guys, this is lassiterfics via metonomia and welcome to

YOUR MISSION, should you choose to accept it, is to leave prompts and fill prompts about whatever Castiel has been up to during season 6. Any rating and any ship, if you're ship-inclined. We'll include the missing year between S5 and S6 too, why not.

SO LAY IT ON. Gen, slash, het, UST, humor, angst, crossovers, casefiles, horror, crack, dark crack, bad puns, time travel, fusions, AUs, genderbending, tentacles, and more.

HOW TO DO THIS? Write your prompt in a comment to this post. Warn as appropriate. Also warn if your prompt includes spoilers for anything after episode 6x11. When filling a prompt, include the following information in the subject line:

[Art/Fic: Title - characters, ships - rating - warnings]

This will make it easier for metonomia to update this post with fills as they come in. Thanks, metonomia! Thanks also to the lovely temporalranger for making the banner!

Some other rules: One prompt per comment. Multiple fills are okay. BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. Advertise this commentfic/art meme across the land with this:">">

Okay, that's it. Have at ye!

Word Made Flesh- Lisa/Castiel (sort of)- PG- No warnings
Fic: Mercy Seat (Castiel - PG - Biblical rhetoric) - Part 1
Fic: Mercy Seat (Castiel - PG - Biblical rhetoric) - Part 2
Dean thanks Cas for destroying Sam's car with Impala!sex.
True Form
Chasing Time, Castiel OC, PG
Fic: No Time for Games - Cas/Meg - PG
Fic: Take Me Now, Before I Change My Mind - Cas/Meg/Balthazar - Slash, het, 3some, angel!cest, nc17

.commentmeme party

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