Title: Down with this Ship
Style: Prose
Genre: Drama
Words: 300
Rating: R
Length: Drabble
Pairings: Jackett
Warnings: None
cassiopayaCharacters: Cutler Beckett and Jack Sparrow
Inspiration: Dido’s “White Flag”
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: Happy New Year!
“You dare to call yourself a captain?!” Cutler snarled at Jack through the bars, “Where is your ship?! What is a captain without his ship?!” Sparrow shriveled under the scathing verbal blows, his mouth moving. “What was that, Jack? I did not hear you, what did you say?” Beckett demanded in a cold, dead tone. “You burned her,” Sparrow murmured a little louder, his voice still registering the shock of it. “I did,” Cutler hissed, “Just as you burned me.” Silence. “Tell me, Jack, where were you when she burned?” “Here, you kept me here,” Sparrow’s voice was full of sorrow.
“YOU LOVED THE GOD DAMNED SHIP MORE THAN YOU LOVED ME!” Beckett exploded at Jack. Sparrow sobbed, “Yes, yes,” and the chains that bound him in his cell rattled as he placed his hands over his face and wept. The vibrating rage swept through Cutler; he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then let the rage leave him as he exhaled. Relaxation swept through Beckett from his finger tips to his toes and a wave of satisfaction followed. Cutler smiled then, knowing that he could do anything, was capable of anything.
It was from this newly discovered plinth of power that Lord Beckett took pity on the poor creature in the cell. Cutler withdrew his snowy handkerchief from his sleeve and sent it floating through the bars at Sparrow’s hunched form. He turned his back then and walked away as Jack Sparrow’s keening echoed against the stone walls; a counter melody to the sharp tack of his shoes. Cutler would tell Mr. Mercer to brand Jack. He wanted to see the burn on the pirate’s flesh just as he knew that he had burned his heart. Nothing would please Lord Beckett more than this sweet, sweet satisfaction.