Title: A Bit of Fun
Style: Prose
Genre: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Length: Ficlet
Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Pearl, unrequited Norribeth
Warnings: AU DMC and AWE, Character Death
cassiopayaCharacters: James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann, William Turner, Jack Sparrow, and Joshamee Gibbs.
Word Count: 505
Disclaimer: Not mine.
lady_elizabeth2Summary: Just because Jack Sparrow is dead doesn’t mean he can’t have a bit of fun at the expense of others.
Notes: Something that has been floating in my head as
lady_elizabeth2 and I have been building our epic fic.
Jack was up for a bit of fun. If he could not have rum, then surely he could have some fun. It was hard work being dead sober…well dead and sober. The Black Pearl offered up a shiver as Sparrow slipped through her beams on his assent to the deck.
Elizabeth, with a little book and a nub of a pencil, stood behind Norrington as he took a sight. Squinting, she wrote in the book as directed by his clipped tone, marking the relative angle of the sun to the horizon.
Norrington placed the sextant back in its case before removing the lanyard from his neck. Once his instrument was secure he took the book and pencil back from Elizabeth, trembling as his fingers touched hers.
Elizabeth turned her gaze and took a sight of young Turner speaking with Gibbs on a matter of cordage and sheets. Norrington calculated their position and Jack calculated the relative angle between Will and Norrington.
“Elizabeth,” Norrington called softly and she turned herself back to the captain and obediently brought out the compass. The needle reeled counterclockwise, then clockwise, before settling in the direction behind her.
“Best to check your heading again,” Jack said, knowing so long as someone could use the compass they could also hear the faint echo of the dead. Elizabeth shook the compass violently and sent the needle spinning.
“South-south-west,” she said as the needle came to a rest. Norrington smiled at her enunciation and called out, “Mr. Gibbs, a change of course! Sou’sou’east!” “Aye, sir! Sou’sou’east!” Gibbs cried back and began to direct the rearrangement of the rigging.
Jack was mildly disgusted at the discipline Norrington was imposing upon his Pearl and made some vague remark about Gibbs being a whipped dog - a whipped Navy dog - and it brought an unguarded smile to Elizabeth’s lips.
“Are you sure you don’t want that, Elizabeth? Doesn’t all that discipline make your heart swell with gratitude?” Jack whispered into Elizabeth’s ear. Smiling still, she brought the compass out again. The needle began to hover in Turner’s direction.
“Are you sure?” Jack whispered again and his ghostly finger reached out towards the compass. Forcing all of his willpower into his little finger, Sparrow pushed the needle in Norrington’s direction and held it.
Elizabeth was shocked; she rattled the compass and waited for the needle to stop spinning, her eyes darting between Will and James. Jack rubbed his hands together in delight and again forced the needle to point at Norrington.
Flustered, Elizabeth snapped the compass shut. Jack jumped back and waved his hand as though his finger had been pinched by the case - it pleased him to exhibit himself even without an audience. His ghostly laughter tossed in the wind as she went below in a huff.
Sparrow sidled up to Norrington and whispered in his ear, “I’m still rooting for you, mate. Know that.” But James could not hear him; he could not work the compass and he certainly did not have the sensibility to sense ghosts.