All Your Nights Belong to Me: Chapter 23

Jun 16, 2010 07:00

Title: All Your Nights Belong to Me
Style: Prose
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble
Pairings: Beckington
Warnings: AU, AWE, Slash, Unanswered Questions, etc…
Authoress: cassiopaya
Characters: James Norrington and Cutler Beckett with a supporting cast.
Word Count: 345
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Dedication: shytan
Summary: James Norrington is given a choice: he can serve Lord Beckett during the day or he can serve him at night.
Notes: Chapter 23, MOAR PLOT! And Groves squees all over Norrington.


Norrington tried to walk in his usual manner towards his flagship, but often had to keep his barreling strides in check. He kept both hands clasped in fists to hide his one hand holding his sleeve shut, the edge of the paper caught between coat and shirt. James could not wait to get to his cabin where he had complete privacy - save for his steward’s knock - to read the note.

Breathing heavily and feeling as though all eyes were upon him, Norrington weaved through the crowd down Main Street and headed for the docks. Marines, sailors, officers offered salutes and prostitutes blew kisses as he passed them. Master and Commander Groves spotted him from the gang plank of the Trebuchet and a wide grin split his face as he bounded down to catch up with James.

“Look, Sir! Look! Three masts on that sloop-of-war! THREE! Full rigged, sir! Did you know?” Theodore’s boyish grin crinkled the crow’s feet near his eyes as he babbled about the attributes of his new command, gesticulating wildly. Norrington nodded and smiled absentmindedly until Groves fell back to his own ship. A boat was waiting to take the Admiral out into the harbor where the Endeavour was anchored.

James was piped aboard with all ceremony, his officers queued up along the line and his men present before the mast. The Admiral turned to his Captain and ordered a full report, a pot of coffee, and dry toast. Norrington had roughly fifteen minutes to read his note before being disturbed. Nodding to his marines, Murtogg and Mullroy, he passed into his great cabin and went to his campaign desk.

Feeling a bit of the same excitement as Groves, Norrington fished the folded piece of paper from his coat sleeve and examined it. He rubbed the parchment between his fingers and found it was very fine. Bringing it to his nose James sniffed the paper for perfume and felt chagrined when he detected none. Little thrills of adrenaline rushed up and down his spine as he unfolded the note. It was blank.

good stuff, aynbtm, fanfic, potc

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