I know!XD Heh, those thing would've caused Hide to salivate when he saw it or something...^^;
Mirai: Mm... *nodding at Kurumi*
Iria: *sighs*
Sei: *sighing, turning to Kakyuu, smiling vaguely* I would like to apologize for Yawara-oujisama, Hime. *eyeing him a bit* I'm afraid our prince is more of a child than anything else...
Taku: *sniggers some more* XD
Yawara: *frowning a bit at Sei* I can apologize for myself, thank you, Sei...
Comments 1267
Kakyuu: =^-^=
Mariko: Nyahaaa, Kakyuu-chan~! X3
Kurumi: ^^;;
It's nice that the royalty will be getting into the scene a bit, now. ^^
Iria: Maa nee... *chuckling softly*
Mirai: *rolling his eyes*
Sei: *glaring at Yawara a bit*
Yawara: *ignoring her, looking about absently*
Taku: *sniggering* XD
Kurumi: Maa ne... ^^;; *patpat Mirai*
Mariko: All the envoys lately are our age. ^^ Or close to it...
Kakyuu: *giggling softly* Sou, sou. *looking around a bit* I wonder where Izuru-san and Yuuka-san are... they're supposed to be at dinner, too...
Mariko: Meh, Kakyuu-chan... the only reason you were here so early is 'cause your parents organized it. :P
Kakyuu: Ahaha... ^^;;
Mirai: Mm... *nodding at Kurumi*
Iria: *sighs*
Sei: *sighing, turning to Kakyuu, smiling vaguely* I would like to apologize for Yawara-oujisama, Hime. *eyeing him a bit* I'm afraid our prince is more of a child than anything else...
Taku: *sniggers some more* XD
Yawara: *frowning a bit at Sei* I can apologize for myself, thank you, Sei...
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