While this meme has been open and taking prompts/fills sporadically for the last five months, it's seen more interest and attention over the last few days. Given that this is a time in which the "What happened to Adam" question is running wild, I've decided it's time for a reboot of this meme.
All prompts will be accepted here; Gen, slash, het, crack, RPS, AU, schmoop, smut, go for it.
# Annonymous commenting is on.
# Please make good use of the subject line while posting prompts and fills. ← it's red AND bold, so... break that rule = break the meme! D:
# This thread may possibly will probably contain adult material.
# Please mark spoiler prompts as spoilers!
# All prompts must involve Adam (or Jake Abel), I think that's fairly obvious.
# Comment fics with more than one part should be posted in reply to the previous part, always. (Stray comments kinda suck)
# Be aware that you are likely about to be tainted by a whole lot of incestuous material. Just sayin'. You've been warned.
01 -
How Long is Now? {Adam/Sam/Dean} by
_bluebells02 -
A Comfortable Zap {Jake/Jensen} by
casiedearestfic03 -
'Try' Being the Operative Word {Adam/Michael} by
_bluebells04 -
More Badass Than Charlie's {Adam/Michael, Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabe} by
angel_gospel05 -
This Thing About Family {Adam, Sam, Dean} by