Nablopomo 2023 Day 24

Nov 24, 2023 19:03

It's that time again! November NaBloPoMo! That means National Blog Posting Month. If you jump on the bandwagon, you are supposed to blog/post something to your journal every day of November. Back in 2017, HEYURS made a "meme form" to go by--you can use it for every day, or on those days to help if/when you get stuck. Come ON! Let's have FUN! :D ❤︎ ( Read more... )

nablopomo 2023

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Comments 17

metallidean_grl November 25 2023, 05:08:45 UTC

No Turkey? Despite not seeing any family, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.


casey28 November 25 2023, 09:24:58 UTC

I'm vegetarian. Also, there's a lot of foods that I can't eat because I have IBS. So, I have to keep it simple. Thanks, I had a nice, quiet day. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.


metallidean_grl November 26 2023, 22:07:29 UTC

I had a nice day. I was originally going to be alone, but plans changed for one of my brothers and I ended up going over to his house. We had a nice time. Part of me wishes I spent the day alone, I had so many designs and plans of things to get done that day that now didn't, but then, it was nice to spend time with my brother.


casey28 November 29 2023, 11:23:16 UTC

I'm glad you had a nice day with your brother. Right, having plans to do other things and wishing for that but you ended up enjoying the day with your brother. :)


amethyst_witch November 25 2023, 15:16:35 UTC
Love how low-key you are about holidays :) Scott and I also refuse to stress ourselves out over it.

Your dinner sounds great! I love me some mashed potatoes. ^-^

Black cat hoodie?? :D


casey28 November 26 2023, 12:41:49 UTC

I'm very low key. :) No need to stress about it.

Mashed potatoes are the best! I could eat them every day. :)

Oh, yes! I adore my black cat hoodie. :D


amethyst_witch November 30 2023, 15:16:05 UTC
So could I (mashed potatoes)!! And let's face I almost do lolol. ^-^

Sounds so cute! :D


casey28 December 1 2023, 13:03:06 UTC

Yay that you eat them all the time! My mom even craved mashed potatoes when she was pregnant with me, lol. Best food ever, lol.

It's very cute! :D I love it, it has lots of black cats with a green background.


primula_baggins November 26 2023, 00:58:09 UTC

I'm learning how to dress right for colder weather. I have to relearn every year. I'm glad you had some yummy food on Thursday.


casey28 November 26 2023, 12:57:58 UTC

Layers are so helpful in colder weather. Yes, we need a reminder each year about it. Aww, thanks. I hope you had yummy food on Thanksgiving,too. :)


cinnamontoast November 26 2023, 20:27:26 UTC
I like wearing layers during the winter too. Long sleeve t-shirts and flannels.

It's so nice being able to order stuff online, isn't it? Hermits unite! 😄


casey28 November 28 2023, 11:40:51 UTC

It feels nice to wear lots of layers.

Yay for us hermits! 😃 Online buying is awesome.


cinnamontoast November 28 2023, 14:24:45 UTC
I went crazy on Friday and yesterday. Now I broke. 😅


casey28 November 29 2023, 11:17:50 UTC

Many of us are broke now, lol. 😅


heyurs December 9 2023, 01:52:24 UTC

Chilling. HA! That's what this sounds like. I like life like this, too. I don't like to go shopping, or out very much. People are so disappointing, and it can be stressful and crazy out there. The older I get, the better I like being at home. :)

*working at catching up*   x)  💚❤️


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