Nablopomo 2023 Day 24

Nov 24, 2023 19:03

It's that time again! November NaBloPoMo! That means National Blog Posting Month. If you jump on the bandwagon, you are supposed to blog/post something to your journal every day of November. Back in 2017, HEYURS made a "meme form" to go by--you can use it for every day, or on those days to help if/when you get stuck. Come ON! Let's have FUN! :D ❤︎ ( Read more... )

nablopomo 2023

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amethyst_witch November 25 2023, 15:16:35 UTC
Love how low-key you are about holidays :) Scott and I also refuse to stress ourselves out over it.

Your dinner sounds great! I love me some mashed potatoes. ^-^

Black cat hoodie?? :D


casey28 November 26 2023, 12:41:49 UTC

I'm very low key. :) No need to stress about it.

Mashed potatoes are the best! I could eat them every day. :)

Oh, yes! I adore my black cat hoodie. :D


amethyst_witch November 30 2023, 15:16:05 UTC
So could I (mashed potatoes)!! And let's face I almost do lolol. ^-^

Sounds so cute! :D


casey28 December 1 2023, 13:03:06 UTC

Yay that you eat them all the time! My mom even craved mashed potatoes when she was pregnant with me, lol. Best food ever, lol.

It's very cute! :D I love it, it has lots of black cats with a green background.


amethyst_witch December 1 2023, 13:17:58 UTC
LoL! I love that you didn't even wait to be born to start loving mashed potatoes.


Amazing! ^-^


casey28 December 1 2023, 13:30:51 UTC

Yes! I came into this world craving mashed potatoes, lol!


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