Sam Daily

Jan 28, 2017 02:02

From ep 12.09

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12.09, supernatural, sam daily

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Comments 15

milly_gal January 28 2017, 12:13:20 UTC
I LOVED this episode. ♥


casey28 January 28 2017, 14:27:44 UTC
Yes! So much to LOVE.♥


somer January 28 2017, 13:25:34 UTC
I really think both got out of the prison with the knowledge and the will to sacrifice himself for the other. As it always is with these two. No way would Sam have let Dean carry out the deal. And Dean wouldn't have let Sam sacrifce himself either. How they would have done it if Mary and Castiel haven't stepped in? We will never know (Mud wrestling? lol), but they were both ready to do it. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! <3


amypond45 January 28 2017, 13:54:48 UTC

Boy do I agree with this! I'm guessing they never talked about it (as Sam suggested they do earlier) but they both planned to be the one to die.


somer January 28 2017, 14:08:44 UTC
Exactly! I think that's why they left it so vague when making the actual deal. It only said a Winchester needs to die. If Billie had demanded a decision, a name, right then and there, they would have never made it out of there, because neither Sam nor Dean are ready to sacrifice the other one.

They made the deal to get out of there, not thinking about the actual consequences. And then Dean blocking it out, while Sam wanted to talk about it. The Winchesters :)


casey28 January 28 2017, 17:00:00 UTC
I agree with you and Somer! Sorry I didn't explain it more clearly. I had read some stuff about it being only Sam who would sacrifice himself, or only Dean. But I'm sure they both would want to do it. They hadn't discussed it with each other yet, but yes, "they both planned to be the one to die."


tabaqui January 28 2017, 16:07:51 UTC
I think they were still deciding, heh, or if one had said 'me', the other was going to leap in at the last moment. It's the Winchester way.


casey28 January 28 2017, 16:45:07 UTC
I've read two different pov... that Sam had decided to sacrifice himself, or Dean did. They made it sound like only one brother was willing to sacrifice himself. I don't understand how they came to that conclusion. Anyway, it makes sense that both brothers were willing to sacrifice themselves for the other! And yes, they were still deciding, because even though both boys would say "me", they hadn't spoken to each other about it yet.

It's the Winchester way.



jj1564 January 28 2017, 21:42:21 UTC
I think they were both ready to die to save the other, and like somer, I'd have loved to see them mud-wrestle to decide! But I knew Mary would do it to save her boys, I was just pleased Cas saved her.


casey28 January 30 2017, 22:37:41 UTC
Yes, they were both ready to die. I can't imagine it any other way. Some people thought it was only Sam or only Dean, but I don't see how that could be.

Hee, the mud-wrestling would've been good! But of course, Mary was willing to die for her boys. OMG yes, very pleased that Cas saved her. I wonder if there will still be consequences.


hugemind January 28 2017, 21:43:39 UTC
To me it totally seemed like they both looked the other one in a way that said "sorry man but I'm gonna do this". I mean, really, there is no way that they would've let the other one do it. But it would have been interesting to see what would've happened if they had let it gone further. Would there maybe have been a round of rock-paper-scissors? ;)


casey28 January 30 2017, 22:43:37 UTC
Yes, exactly. They both looked determined, like they'd be the one. Aww, rock-paper-scissors. :) I could see them arguing about the results from that, too! Dean usually loses, but he did win once (and one time in an alt universe), so I dunno what would happen!


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