mona1347, because this day is dull as dishwater and apparently the mental connection between C and I is still going strong because we are both spastic and incapable of concentrating on work today and have been emailing each other spastic, random things all afternoon.
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your
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Comments 12
OK, your questions (should you choose to accept them):
1)What are three things you want to do in your life - that your life won't be complete without - before you grow old (for whatever values of "old")?
2) You were - and still are, presumably - a big Buffy fan. What was it about the show that made it unique for you, made it stand out and sink in so that you're still writing stories with those characters? What was that first moment where it clicked for you?
3) Sexy, dress-up, going-out shoes: red or black? strappy or solid?
4) Name five songs that are crucial in your life.
5)I liked Mona's question so much, I'm stealing it: what drew you to LJ? What do you feel LJ "gives" you?
1) What's one dream or goal from your life - something you wanted to do or be - that you've had to give up? What's one that you've achieved?
2) You get to bring one medium of entertainment to your desert island -- is it DVDs, books, or music?
3) Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven - Y/N?
4)How'd you come to start up the Sparkle Awards? If you could design a physical trophy to present the winners with, what would it look like?
5) Somewhat stealing another question from Mona -- what's your number one guy!kink? What - back in the days before sheikh_djibouti, obviously - could a guy do/say/wear/smell like that would have you ordering "You. My bunk. Right now."
And now I'm exhausted. I suck at questions, I'm sorry.
1) Why are the penguins after your sanity? What will they do with it once they've stolen it?
2) Death is Not an Option: a LeeAnn Rimes concert full of 14-year-old girls in Dallas or watching a Dallas-Eagles game without beer or cigarettes?
3)Aside from seeing the Parthenon (and possibly meeting a future corporate sponsor), what are you most hoping for from your trip to Greece?
4) Who's your ideal mouse-fighting champion? Jake or Clive?
5) What do you get out of LJ? What keeps you here?
"little sack of sugar, wanna eat you up."
Aww, that's so cute! My mom used to sing "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck," which I think is actually from "Guys and Dolls" but I didn't know the difference.
So, since you're like a month into this whole "Mom" thing:
1) What are three things that have surprised you? (good or bad)
2) What have you turned out to be better at than maybe you expected?
3) What are you most looking forward to (aside from sleep)?
4) Is there anything you miss (aside from sleep)?
5) What are three things you love about "Burn Notice?" (Dude, that show is so much fun. Eee!)
And, because I'm drive-by flisting, I also DLed the shanty songs and YOU ROCK. How fucking fun is this shit?! <3 <3 <3
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