mona1347, because this day is dull as dishwater and apparently the mental connection between C and I is still going strong because we are both spastic and incapable of concentrating on work today and have been emailing each other spastic, random things all afternoon.
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
What Mona asked:
1) How did you come to find fandom? Tell me your fannish "origin story".
My memory is notoriously bad, but I know I was in high school, and Highlander: the Series was my first fandom. I have no idea what made me look online for it, but I stumbled on The Unofficial Highlander WWW and List Archive Site - the online FAQ from the usenet group. (Sadly the site no longer seems to be up.) From there I mostly puttered around until I got my own hotmail account - "hlgirl," so called because one guy only knew me as "that Highlander girl" -when I went away to college and signed up for the two big Highlander list-servs. After the end of season 5 I ran to the sheltering arms of the Clan Denial and never came back up for air. :)
2) If you could only have the fic from ONE pairing of ONE fandom accessible to you on a desert island, which would it be?
Sadly, this is pretty easy, because when I fall for a fandom, I fall pretty hard. It'd have to be SPN - and actually it's a toss-up whether it should be gen or Wincest. Either way, the boys love each other.
(I would feel a twinge at never reading any good SGA gen anymore, but as much as I was in love with that show first season, SPN is the one that's completely consumed my brain.)
3) If you could go back ten years, what would you say to your younger self?
Oh, man. There's definitely a few specific smacking-upside-the-head incidents in there, but mostly, I'd tell myself to OMG GET SOME SLEEP during college - I'm quite convinced that most of my mental deterioration is due to four years averaging 4 hours or less a night - and to be less of a doormat. I still have to tell myself that on an annoying number of occasions.
4) Tell me your Fannish Mankinks. What "type" or what sort of traits are you drawn to in male characters? (Bad Boy? Captain America? Squishy-Hearted-Deep-Inside Hero? Hot Geekboy? Tormented With A Dark Past?)
Heh. C or
celticlullaby could answer this for you easily, because I definitely have a type: sarcastic, emotionally stunted/reserved, and good/hot with weapons. Brooding is an extra plus. (See: Duncan Macleod, Angel, Richard Sharpe, Jack O'Neill, Ronan, Sheppard, and Dean. If we're going way back, add Raphael the TMNT and Tanis Half-Elven.)
5) What do you feel LJ "gives" you? Why are you here? What draws you here, if anything, aside from fandom?
Well, I actually came to LJ because my real-life friend,
freedomfry had set off to the Undisclosed Location with her husband, and she'd started a journal here to keep all her friends updated on her life. Then I quickly discovered how awesome icons were and hey, look, there's lots of fanfiction here. And authors I really like. etc.etc.
Now the thing I think I primarily get out of LJ besides fandom is just a larger connection to the world. People like
twistedchick and
zarq post all sorts of interesting links to news and nifty sites; people write eloquent and challenging - and often funny - political, historical, personal rants and essays. People talk about how they write and why they write (*cough*
musesfool*cough*), and challenge themselves and others to think about why they think the things they think. Also, lots of awesome music downloads, fantastic new artists and mixes that I wouldn't have heard otherwise. (Which reminds me, I owe y'all a bunch of music posts I've been slacking on.)
So while in some ways I have surrounded myself with people who think along generally similar lines as me, I keep around the people who think a hell of a lot more than me, and read and watch and listen more than me, and take advantage of their brilliance.
In short, y'all are an awesome, fascinating, funny lot, even beyond your considerable and enviable writing (and vidding) prowess, and you rock beyond the telling of it.
And also because Mona asked, later tonight (when I get home from HP) I'll pop up one of my favorite versions of one of my favorite sea shanties.