Believe Me I'm Lying - Part Four

Oct 04, 2011 21:51

Luke was in his office at the foundation, trying to prepare for the next meeting, while Derek sat on the couch flipping through a magazine. A headache had been bugging him all day making it difficult for him to concentrate on his notes. It didn't help that the day they are supposed to leave for their 'vacation' was inescapably nearing. He knew that he was slowly running out of time. His stomach knotted at the thought.

Then there was a sudden knock on the door, Luke thought it was his assistant; wanting to remind him that the meeting was starting in fifteen minutes and is more than surprised when his grandmother Lucinda entered his office.

"Grandmother!" Luke smiled and quickly got up from his desk, to greet her with a hug. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. "It's so good to see you."

"Hello Darling." Lucinda said, pulling away from the embrace to look at her grandson. "I was worried about you. I tried to reach you, but you're never answering your phone and I just needed to make sure that you're all right!"

"I'm sorry grandmother. My phone has been acting up lately. I guess it's time to finally buy myself a new one." Luke lied. Of course it was Derek's fault; he barely let Luke use his phone.

Lucinda nodded her head. "Are you sure that you're okay? You look kind of thin. Are you eating enough darling?"

"I'm fine grandmother. I just have been really busy the past few weeks." Luke said, before he quickly tried to change the subject. "You remember Derek?"

Luke's grandmother eyed the brunette who had moved to stand next to her grandson by now. "But of course." She said. "Like I could I forget the fine young man who is supporting your foundation so generously."

"Hello Ms. Walsh." Derek greeted politely, gracing a light kiss on the back of her hand. "You look as beautiful as always."

It was then that there was another knock on the door. This time it really was Luke's assistant, reminding him about the meeting and telling him that the clients were already arriving.

"I'm sorry grandmother. It seems like I have to go back to work." Luke said. "How about I'll call you as soon as I have some free space again and we can meet up to have dinner."

"Okay darling, that sounds lovely." Lucinda said. "Just don't make a lady wait too long."

Luke chuckled. "I promise. Oh and before you leave..." he turned around to grab a red folder from his desk "these are the documents you have been asking for a while ago."

Lucinda thanked her grandson and received a kiss on the cheek from Luke. "Okay, I will let you get back to your work now." She said, reaching for the door handle. "I'll be waiting---" She stopped midsentence when the portfolio slipped out of her hand landing on the floor, some of the files falling out.

"Here let me help you with that." Derek quickly kneeled down to pick up the documents.
Luke held his breath as he watched Derek. When he saw that the other guy picked up the note he had secretly written for his grandmother. He watched him slip it into his pocket and Luke knew that his plan had leaked out. He stood glued to the spot when Derek handed the folder back to his grandmother and kindly escorted her out of the door.

Derek came rushing back into the room, pressing Luke up against the wall, seizing him by the collar. "What is this?" He whispered loudly, holding the handwritten note in front of Luke's face. He squeezed at the blonde’s throat; Luke could see Derek’s face grow redder and redder. He can feel the anger coming off of Derek in waves. He knew that Derek could be violent, but now he was witnessing it in full color. He could feel himself get dizzy and he needed to think quickly.

"I put the note into the folder weeks ago and forgot that it was in there Derek." Luke panted. "Please, I'm telling the truth!"

"I don't believe you." Derek grumbled, before he slammed his hand into the wall right next to Luke's head. Now wasn't the right time to discuss this. "This isn't over yet. We're going home right after the meeting." He stepped back, releasing the blonde.

Luke closed his eyes for a moment, breathing deeply. He took a moment to collect himself, before he grabbed his folder from the desk and rushed past Derek to get to the meeting. For now he had to push away the thought about what might happen when they got back to the apartment.


It was almost two hours later when they arrived back at the apartment. Derek hadn't said a single word during the meeting or on the ride back, but Luke knew that it was about to change now that they were alone were nobody could hear or see them. Once Luke had taken off his jacket hanging it over the armrest of the couch, Derek already grabbed his arm and spun him around to make him face the slightly older man. He could see the rage in his eyes.

"How about you're telling me about the little plan of yours?" Derek shouted. "And don't lie to me again Luke!"

"I already told you! I put the note into the folder weeks ago and forgot that it was in there!" Luke repeated, trying to wriggle his arm free.

"I still don't believe you!" Derek said. "So either you're telling me the truth now or somebody you love will get hurt." He tugged hard on Luke’s arm to accentuate his point. Luke gasped as Derek’s fingers dug deeper into his bicep.

Lucky for Luke a knock on the door interrupted them in that moment, engendering Derek to let go of him. Luke rubbed his aching arm, while the brunette didn't let the opportunity slip to remind him in a whispered tone of voice that he would find out the truth no matter what, before he went to open the door.

Derek only opened the door far enough to check who the visitor was and found his whistleblower standing in the hallway. "What are you doing here? Now is not a good time!"

"Really? Because I think I've got something you’re gonna want to see." The guy said, holding up an envelope while noisily chewing his bubble gum.

After turning to look at Luke for a moment who was still standing in the middle of the living room, Derek sighed and finally opened the door further to let the bald guy enter. "Come in."

Luke immediately knew that it was time for him to go to his room when Derek darted a glance at him and he turned on his heels to leave, giving the two men some privacy as usual. It wasn't like he had a choice anyway.

He entered the bedroom, but this time his curiosity got the better of him and he left the door ajar, trying to make out what the two men were saying. If he had known what he was about to learn, Luke would have probably made a different decision.

“Peter, were not supposed to just show up here. I thought I made that perfectly clear.”

“Hey, man. You pay me to do my job and that is why I am here.” The bald man handed Derek a large manila envelope which the brunette dug into after an annoyed glance. He reached inside and pulled out some pictures. Luke moved closer to the ajar door to see further into the living room. He watched as Derek leafed through the photos; Luke breath caught in his chest when he saw one of them was Reid.

“And what are these?” Derek asked.

“That doc you wanted me to follow, Oliver, had a little date the other night. They went drinking and then went back to his place. They didn’t come out until the next morning. And I don’t think they were playing chess.” Peter laughed as he snapped his gum even louder.

Luke's breath quickened and he couldn't hear what the two men were saying anymore. The only question on his mind was if it was true was the guy said. He tried to dash away the thought of Reid with another guy, at their home, in their bed. Tears started to steam down his face as he was trying to tell himself that it had been just a friend who had stayed over at their apartment. Because even if Reid didn't like to admit it he did make some friends in Oakdale in the past year and a half.

He dragged himself over to the bed, taking the photo of Reid and him out from under the pillow where it was hidden, before he laid down on his side. He traced Reid's shape on the picture with his thumb, while a single tear fell onto the photo. Never would he forget the day Reid had surprised him with a picnic on their anniversary, after the older man had told him that he had to work all day. Luke had to smile at the memory how Reid later confessed to him that his grandmother Emma had helped him to prepare the picnic basket, to make it perfect for them.

Luke was so engrossed in thought that he didn't even notice that Derek had entered the room, until he suddenly snatched the picture out of his hands. "No!" Luke shouted, trying to take the picture from Derek. But it was too late; the brunette was already ripping the photo into thousand pieces, before he let them fall to the floor.

"Why are you doing this?" Luke cried out. The words were barely out of his mouth before Derek suddenly lifted his hand, slapping it across his face. He gasped in shock but before he could fully understand what just happened, Derek was already pulling him up from the bed to press him up against the nearest wall.

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but this has to stop!" Derek said, before he punched the blonde twice in the stomach, making Luke scream in pain. "Got it? This was the last warning."

Luke slightly nodded his head, but otherwise didn't dare to move until Derek had left the room. He grabbed at his sore midsection and his legs gave out from under him. Luke tried to breathe through the pain and collect his thoughts. He looked up and saw the remains of his photo in front of him. He quickly crawled across the carpet, trying to put the pieces of the picture back together but finally gave up when he realized that it wasn't working.

With the last ounce of strength Luke had he managed to crawl back into bed, where he curled up into a ball. He cried until he didn't have any tears left, quietly whispering Reid's name.


"You know that I was doubtful about the idea of you cooking for us, but I have to admit that this was really good." Colin said, after he had just finished his last bite of chicken cacciatore. He leaned back into the chair, happily rubbing his full stomach.

"I know." Reid replied, confident as usual. Like so often in the past weeks he and Colin were spending their time together after the end of the work day and today had been the first time he had been cooking something for the two of them. "Just don't get used to it."

Colin chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it."

There was a moment of silence between them, before Reid asked "You gonna tell me what happened today?"

"What do you mean?" The blonde asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You know what I mean." Reid said. "You know that I don't do chit-chat, but you usually can't keep your mouth shut longer than thirty seconds. Yet you've barely said anything today. So what is it?"

Colin sighed. "My ex called me this morning."

"What did he want?" Reid asked, taking a sip from his beer.

"The same thing he wanted the last six times he called me. He told me again that he loved me, that he wanted me back and that he can't live without me." Colin replied. "I told him to go to hell."

Reid chuckled. "I'll drink to that." They clinked their beer bottles together, before both of them took a big gulp.

"Feel free to help yourself to another beer" Reid said, when he noticed that his friend had finished his beer "you know where they are."

Colin smiled at him, before he got up to get two more beer out of the fridge. "You know, sometimes I feel like I'm living here. I'm here more than at my own apartment." He placed one of the bottles in front of Reid, before he settled back down.

"Well, why don't you move in with me then? You could move into the guestroom and remodel it the any way you like." Reid suggested, starting to warm up to the idea.

"Yeah right."

"I'm serious. Like you just said, you're here most of the time anyway plus you would live a lot closer to the hospital." Reid replied. "Besides the apartment is too big for one person anyway."

"Well, if you put it that way..." Colin said after a moment of silence. "But are you sure? I mean it's still kind of Luke's apartment too right?"

"Yeah, but I doubt that he will ever want to move back in." Reid shrugged his shoulders. "So what do you say?"

"Okay, let's to it." Colin replied with a big smile on his face.

"Good. That means you can help me doing the dishes now, roomie."


Half an hour ago Derek rushed into Luke's room and put a large suitcase onto the desk chair saying that he would need it soon. It had been the first time the entire weekend that the brunette had spoken to him. He told him to get ready because they were going to visit Luke's parents. Moments later Derek left again before the blonde even got the chance to ask any questions.

It was Sunday afternoon and they hadn't left the apartment since Derek had forced him to go home with him on Friday. Luke wondered what Derek's new plan was as he grabbed a quick shower and changed. He had a sense of foreboding. Checking his appearance in the mirror, he was relieved that his neck wasn't swollen anymore and just slightly red where Derek grabbed him. His stomach however did still hurt a lot and he was glad that nobody could see that bruise.

But they were now sitting in the car in silence, driving into the direction of Luke's parent’s house after a short stop at the gas station. Suddenly Derek turned right and parked the vehicle in a parking lot near Old Town.

"What are we doing here?" Luke asked; he could no longer could keep quiet.

"Follow me." Derek said; who was already getting out of the car.

Luke sighed and got out of the car. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started to follow Derek, but after a few hundred feet they stopped again when the older man’s phone rang. The phone call lasted less than a minute before Derek hang up, slipping his Blackberry back into his trouser pocket.

This time Luke didn't move when Derek told him to follow him again. "I'm not going anywhere if you're not telling me what we're doing here." He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

There were quite a few people around them, so that Derek inconspicuously pulled Luke into a corner not wanting to arouse attention. He took a look around to make sure that nobody was watching them before he moved closer to Luke. The blonde tried to back away, but was trapped when his back met the wall. Derek lifted his arm, placing it right next to Luke's head to keep him in place.

"Okay listen, here is the plan." Derek began. "We're gonna get some flowers for your mommy, I want to make a good impression after all. Your job is to tell them that we're going on an extensive vacation and that they won't see you for a while. We don't want them to get worried after all, right?" He chuckled, letting his hand wander to Luke's cheek to cup it. "But why would they? We are young and in love."

"Why are you doing this?" Luke snatched Derek's hand away and sighed. "Please don't do this. I mean I can't just leave like that for what? A long time, is that what you said? What about the foundation? People will notice that something is wrong."

"Oh don't worry about that." Derek said. "I had a nice talk with your grandmother over the phone just yesterday. She was more than willing to help out."

Luke clenched his hand, trying to keep an even keel. "I'm not going with you!"

"Oh really?" Derek chuckled. "So you’re just gonna stay in Oakdale and then what? Your doctor is going to lose his job, but that's not everything. Of course I'm going to make sure that he can never work as a doctor again. A smashed hand is the end of a career for a surgeon, don't you think? And think about how he will react when he finds out that it was all your fault and not just an accident. Do you really want to risk that?" He looks at the blonde, he had tears in his eyes, but remained silent. "Didn't think so. Now let's get this over with, our plane leaves in less than 48 hours."

Luke fought back tears and reluctantly followed Derek to the flower shop, barely noticing anything around him.


Reid, who finally had a day off, sat on the couch in his living room, enjoying a beer while watching a baseball game. In quiet moments like this he still caught himself thinking about Luke and what they would do if the blonde would be here right now. Play a game of chess, watch a movie together, make love? Probably all of the above, not necessarily in that order.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. He sighed and put the beer bottle onto the coffee table, before he went to open the door. He stumbled slightly when Katie pushed past him into the apartment without any greeting. "What do you want Katie? I'm busy enjoying my day off."

"I have to tell you something." Katie said, ignoring her best friend. "I just saw Luke---"

"Okay stop right there. I don't want to know what it is if it has to do with Luke." Reid said, walking into the living room.

"Reid can you just shut up and listen to me for a minute?" Katie shouted, causing Reid to look at her in surprise. "I just saw Luke and this Derek guy near Old Town." She held up her hand when her best friend was about to interrupt her again "Let me finish before you say something. I saw how Derek dragged Luke into a corner and it looked like he was trying to threaten him or something. I could only hear snatches of what they were saying because I was too far away, but it definitely looked like Luke was scared or at least didn't want to be there."

"So what exactly are you saying Katie?" Reid asked.

"I don't know. I can't really explain it, but I feel like something is definitely wrong." Katie said. "I mean we don't really know this Derek guy right? What if he is using Luke or blackmailing him?"

"I think you're overreacting Katie. Maybe they had a fight or whatever, but I really don't care." He sat down on the couch, taking a gulp from his beer. "Besides what reason would Derek have to do something like that?"

Katie started to pace back and forth. "I don't know. Maybe he’s after Luke's money?"

"No. Luke told me that he is stinking rich, he donated a lot of money to the foundation." Reid replied. "So how about you forget about it, get yourself a beer out of the fridge and join me"

"Reid! Have you been listening to me the past few minutes? I'm pretty sure that is was more than just a simple fight." Katie said. "You told me that you saw Luke and that guy together. Can you assure me that he looked happy?"

He remained silent for a moment, remembering the circles under Luke's eyes when he saw him with Derek and that he hadn't really looked like his usual happy self. "I guess not." Reid admitted.

"See? And that's why we should do something." Katie finally stopped pacing.

"I don't know Katie." Reid sighed, running his hand through his thick hair. "I don't think there is anything we can do. I mean we can't just go and ask him."

They spent the next few minutes in silence until Katie suddenly started to pull her best friend off the couch. "I think I have an idea. Come on with me!"

"What is it?" Reid asked.

"I'll tell you on the way." Katie said, grabbing Reid's jacket from the closet and throwing it at him. "Come on. Let's go!"

>> Part Five

fic: believe me i'm lying, pairing: luke/reid

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