Believe Me I'm Lying - Part Five

Oct 04, 2011 21:59

"Luke!" Lily Snyder sounded more than just a little bit surprised when saw her son and to her an unknown man enter the house together.

"Hey mom." Luke said, faking a smile before he went to greet her with a hug. "Sorry that we're showing up just like that without calling beforehand."

"It's fine honey. I'm glad that you're here, it's been a while after all." Lily replied with a smile.

"I know. Sorry about that." Luke said. "I would like you to meet Derek. Derek this is my mom."

"It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Snyder." Derek said in a fully mastered friendly voice and held out the bouquet of flowers to her. "These are for you."

"Oh, that's really nice of you." Lily said, smelling at the beautiful flowers. She watched as the brunette wrapped his arm around her sons shoulder, wondering what was going on. "Thank you they are really beautiful."

"Where is dad?" Luke asked somewhat nervous.

"He is upstairs. Why?"

"Could you go and get him? We kind of want to tell you something."

"Um sure. Just let me get this into water and I will be right back." Lily said. "Make yourself at home guys."

"Okay." Luke walked over to the couch and sat down glad to get away from Derek's touch and muttered "Stop touching me." The brunette only smirked, settling down next to him.

Derek chose the moment Luke's parents came into the living room to slide his arm back around the blonde’s shoulders, knowing that he wouldn't do anything about it now that they had company.

Luke shot him a nasty look, before he got up to greet his dad properly with a hug. When he introduced Derek to his dad both men shook hands. They settled back down on the couch, while Holden sat down in the armchair and his wife next to him on the armrest.

"Lily told me that you have news for us?" Holden asked.

"Yeah. Well, um you might have realized by now that there have been changes in my life." He nervously cleared his throat. "Derek and I decided to get away from everything for a while. We want to go on an extended vacation together; to spend some time alone."

Derek chuckled slightly, tightening his grip on Luke's shoulder as he noticed how nervous the blonde was. "Luke was really nervous to tell you about our plans." He said. After that he literally started a hymn of praise about Luke to them. It seemed like it even made an impact as Lily and Holden got more relaxed with every passing minute.

"You've got a great son Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and I hope you don't mind that I'm taking him away for a while. This is kind of spontaneous after all, but I promise I will bring him back safe and sound." Derek finished with a sweet smile.

"This comes out of nowhere for us." Lily said. "What about the foundation? Did you think about that?"

"Grandmother is going to take care of it while we're away." Luke replied.

"Well it seems like you've got it all figured out." Holden said and his wife added "And you're old enough to make your own decisions. If this is what you want to do than all we can do is wish you a good time."

"Thank you." Luke said with a sad smile, followed by a pondering silence.

"Well how about I get us something to drink." Lily suggested. "Luke can you give me a hand?"

"Sure." Luke said and followed his mom into the kitchen.

Lily opened the kitchen cupboard, grabbing four glasses out of it before she turned to face her son. "Do you mind if I ask you what happened with Reid? I thought you two were happy."

Luke sighed. "Mom, can we please not talk about that right now?"

"All right. I just want you to be happy. You know that right?"

"Of course." Luke said, giving her a smile. "So much has happened in my life in the past few weeks and I just need to get away from here for a while to recharge my batteries." He hoped that it sounded somewhat convincing. Mentally he had already given up on the idea that he could find a solution. It was beginning to look pretty fruitless.


"What are we doing here Katie?" Reid asked. Katie had managed to drag him from his home, under much protest and now his best friend had stopped the car near Luke's parent’s house.

She explained to him how she had overheard Derek and Luke saying something about visiting his parents. "I guess they're still there since there is a car in the driveway" she said. "Now we just have to wait here until they come out so that we can follow them."

Reid snorted. "Seriously? That's your brilliant idea? Follow them. Here I thought you had this amazing idea that isn’t in every ridiculous cop show on Fox."

"I never said that was brilliant, but at least I do have an idea and I believe that we need to do something to help Luke! I’m not just giving up!" Katie said at the top of her voice. A moment later she already regretted her words and sighed. "I'm sorry Reid, that wasn't fair. And I understand that this isn't easy for you. Yes, Luke did break up with you but sometimes things are not what they seem to be. We do live in Oakdale afterall."

This time Reid remained silent. Katie was his best friend and he knew that she wouldn't just massively exaggerate in a situation like this. Yet he didn't want to admit that he didn't notice that something was up with Luke, because that would mean he would have to admit that he had let him walk away and didn't fight for him. That painful ache in his chest came back with that thought; the same pain he felt when Luke left.

It was almost twenty minutes of sitting in silence, both of them absorbed in their own thoughts, when Katie suddenly nudged Reid in the arm. "Look they’re coming out." Both of them automatically slid down further in their seats, not wanting to be discovered.

Reid's eyes were on Luke the entire time he said goodbye to his parents. He pulled them both into a tight embrace before they finally got into the Derek's car. Fortunately they drove the other direction and neither Derek nor Luke seemed to notice them sitting in the car.

"Looked pretty normal to me." Reid said when the car was almost out of sight, though he realized that he didn't sound as convincing as before. There was just something odd about the way Luke said goodbye to his parents, but he couldn't place what it was right now.

"I don't believe you Reid." Katie said as she started the car to follow Derek's vehicle. "I think you saw just like me that something isn't right and you couldn't have missed how sad he looked." Katie loved her best friend, but sometimes she wanted to shake him unconscious.

"Okay maybe you're right! Satisfied?" Reid let out a deep sigh, not missing the small triumphant smile on his best friend lips. But the redhead was still torn between hope and fear that they were reading too much into this; now that they were following the other car, leaving an adequate gap between them. "I'm still not sure if we should do this Katie. What if they're going on a business trip or something and that's why they were saying goodbye?" He was afraid to hope too much.

"Well, I guess there is only one way to find out." Katie said her eyes focused on the car in front of them. "You should call Luke's parents."

Reid snorted. "Yeah right. Why would I do that?"

"Ask them if Luke is all right. You could tell them that you still care about him even though you are not together anymore and that you want to make sure that he is taken good care of himself." Katie suggested. When she glanced to look at her friend she saw the doubtful look on his face and added "Just trust me this once Reid and do it!"

The redhead didn't answer back but fished his phone out of his coat pocket, while Katie continued to chase Derek and Luke. Reid turned the phone to speaker, he didn’t think he’d have the strength to repeat his conversation to Katie. Reid thought that Luke's mom did sound surprised at first when he called, but she didn't question it any further when he asked about her son, just like Katie had suggested. Lily told him that she hadn't seen her son for weeks until he suddenly showed up today with some guy, which she thought was kind of odd. She told him that she was concerned about them going away with together for such a long stretch of time, but that she didn't want to meddle since it had often lead to quarrels between her and Luke in the past. After Luke's mom invited him to come over for dinner the following weekend, Reid thanked her and told her that he needed to get back to work, ending the call.

"See Lily doesn't like him either." Katie said as soon as Reid hang up, having heard everything over the speaker phone.

Reid was just about respond that it didn't really matter since they now knew that Luke and Derek were going on a vacation together, when the car in front of them suddenly slowed down until it came to stop in front of a big apartment building. Katie was swift to react, pulling her car into a parking lot in front of the adjacent building.

"Come on. Let's go hide behind the tree right there to get a better view." Katie suggested, quickly getting out of the car with Reid following close behind.

“You got it Nancy Drew!” Reid answered sarcastically. Katie grabbed his wrist and pulled him faster across the empty lot. They concealed themselves behind the big tree. Reid felt ridiculous; like he was in a one of the teen shows that Natalie was obsessed with. That was until he saw Derek and Luke get out of the vehicle.

His heart was hammering against his chest. Reid watched every movement Luke made. At first everything appeared normal until Derek suddenly touched the blonde’s arm who immediately backed away. He couldn't make out what they were saying because he was too far away but it was clear that they were fighting. He boiled inside when he saw how Derek violently took hold of the blondes wrist, his heart aching when he saw that Luke was crying; trying to pull away.

"I think you're right Katie." Reid said, his voice barely above a whisper. He was quivering with emotions when he was starting to move towards the other two men. His only thought that he had was to get to Luke. Everything else drained away.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Katie asked, gripping his best friends arm to stop him.

"I need to do something Katie." Reid replied. "I can't just stand back and watch that son of a bitch treat Luke like that!"

"Neither do I, I know you’re angry about all of this, but we should consider what is the right thing to do first." Katie said. "Derek is obviously willing to use violence and we still don't know why Luke is really with him. I think we should call Margo."

Reid didn't like the idea much; the cops in Oakdale were laughable at best. But his options were rather limited. If Derek really was violent, Margo was their best bet. Reid knew it was probably the better plan not wanting anybody to get hurt.

They got back on her car after the other two men had disappeared into the apartment building and Katie called her half-sister Margo. She explained everything that had happened; stressing that they have the feeling that Luke might be in danger if he stays with Derek.

Margo had Jack start a background check on Derek and offered to come to down there and try to talk to him. She also made it clear that there wasn't much she could do if nothing came out of it or Derek didn't let her into the apartment. Margo could hear Reid groan; she knew that he was angry, but this could all be the machinations of a jealous jilted boyfriend. In the off chance that they were right, she would do all she could.

The twenty minutes Reid and Katie spent waiting for Margo to arrive felt like an eternity to them.


Derek stood in doorway to Luke's bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest. He watched how his blonde angel packed his belongings into the large suitcase he had given him earlier in the day. He almost couldn't believe that they would finally be on an airplane together at this time tomorrow. Luke would be his and his alone. By the time his family and friends realize that something was wrong he and Luke would be over the hills and far away.

Preoccupied in his thoughts, Derek was going over his plan again to make sure that he hadn't forgotten anything when his thoughts suddenly were interrupted by a knock on the door. He frowned, wondering who it could be since he didn't expect anybody. "Stay here." Derek commanded addressing Luke and closed the bedroom door, before he went to answer the door.

When he found an unfamiliar face on the other side of the door, Derek briefly wondered if the woman had knocked on the wrong door. "Can I help you?"

"Detective Hughes, Oakdale PD" she said, showing her identification badge. "Are you Derek Roberts?"

"Yes ma'am. Is there a problem?" Derek asked with an innocent smile.

"That remains to be seen." Margo replied. Jack had already called her to let her know that Roberts police record was impeccable, the guy didn't even have a parking ticket, but due to her long experience in this job she could sense that something was wrong. "I have a few questions. May I come in?"

Derek hesitated for a moment before he opened the door further, inviting Detective Hughes in; he didn't want to look suspicious.

Margo entered well-lit apartment, following the man into the living room with a wakeful eye. "Nice place. Are you living alone in this apartment Mr. Roberts?"

"No, I'm sharing it with my boyfriend." Derek replied confidently.

"I see. And is he here right now?"

"No, he is at work.” He answered quickly and then tried to recover quickly. “I know what you’re thinking, it's late on and on top of that its Sunday, but my boyfriend has his own company and he is kind of a workaholic." Derek chuckled. "So do you mind me asking what this is all about?"

Margo sensed that the man was lying, making her even more attentive. "We got an anonymous tip that there were some illegal activities going on here. Do you mind if I would take a look around?"

"I think this is absolutely unnecessary, but please go ahead I don't have anything to hide here." Derek said, faking a smile.

"We'll see about that." Margo said. She took a look around in the living room then the kitchen and the main bathroom, so far not finding anything suspicious. When she slowly opened the door of the next room, the hundreds of pictures on the wall immediately caught her eye. She stepped further into the room to get a better look at the pictures. Luke was the subject of all of them. Some were just of him while others were of Luke and Dr. Oliver together. Perhaps her sister was on to something. Margo was curious how Mr. Roberts was going to explain this.

Derek knew in the moment the Detective entered his bedroom that he was busted. 'I'm not letting her ruin this, not when we’re on the verge of leaving this damn place!' He quickly grabbed his baseball bat from behind the door, swinging it back at the same moment Margo turned around. He was completely taken aback when he suddenly was attacked from behind, tumbling to the floor after a strong push and dropped the baseball bat.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere with you, you prick!" Luke shouted, who was quivering with emotions. He had quietly followed the two of them after he had recognized Margo's voice, knowing that this might be the last chance to escape. His entire body was shaking and he almost couldn't believe that Derek was lying on the floor, looking at him with a stunned look on his face.

By now Margo had pulled her gun and pointed it at Derek, after she realized that he had tried to attack her. "Are you okay Luke?" She asked, keeping her eyes on Derek.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine. Now." Luke replied with a shaky voice.

Derek had been so focused on the Detective that he hadn't even noticed Luke until it was too late. After the initial shock, he was now blazing with anger "You're not going to stop me! Luke is mine!" He shouted while he trying to snatch the baseball bat.

But Margo saw it coming, defeating Derek's plan by quickly kicking the baseball bat away from the younger man and under the bed. "You need to calm down Mr. Roberts!" She spoke up. "You're only making things worse and I really don't want to have to use my gun against you."

The brunette turned his head to look at Luke, seeing the fear in his eyes, before he turned his attention back at Margo. He realized that he didn't have a chance to escape this situation and knew that he failed. Derek let himself sink to the floor, lowering his head.

Margo took a step forward, commanding Derek to slowly raise his hands and get to his feet. She then told him to turn around and quickly put her gun away, before she put handcuffs on Derek. She looked at Luke and saw fading bruises on his face and neck. "I'm arresting you for assault. And I’m sure more charges will come."

Luke let out a loud sigh of relief, instantly causing Derek to look at him. His eyes welled up with tears; he couldn't bear to be near this man for another second and turned on his heels to leave.

Derek was once more panting with rage when he saw that Luke left, trying to get away from the Detectives grip. "Hey don't go! You know what is going to happen Luke!" He shouted before letting out a devilish laugh.

Margo finally lost her patience pushed Derek with might and main over to the bed, where she chained him to the brass headboard before she pulled out her phone to call for back-up.

>> Part Six

fic: believe me i'm lying, pairing: luke/reid

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