Unlike the ones in our favourite SF shows, those rocks are not made of papermachie or styrofoam and consequently are damn heavy, I doubt i could lift many of them.
Most of them are going into the backyard eventually (yep, we'll use wheelbarrow and trolley). Next Sat we have a man with a Dingo coming to level and shape the backyard...then we can start building the retaining wall. I have to learn how to dry stone wall in a hurry! :-)
George finished moving them all...bar one huge one that he will need my help with tomorrow morn. Actually, now that i am looking at them all laid out (we separated them into size piles) i think we'll be needing more! This might be enough for the steps and retaining wall but i don't think it will do all the garden edges too. Next Sat we have a man with a Dingo coming to level and shape the backyard...then we can start building the wall! Our first attempt at dry stone walling...scary! Luckily it's only 40cm high...i reckon even us garden nuff nuffs can manage that.
Comments 13
A favourite way of moving rocks too large for me to lift is to flip them over and over, walking them slowly to where I want them.
Maybe a wheel barrow would be in order...not that we have one...ours rusted out and got a hole in the tyre :(
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