[There is a loud scream, and some some yelling about Scarecrow, followed by a few short squeals and bangs. There's a crash as her communicator falls, before cursing as she picks it up]
((OOC- Joker-mun, me and Ivy-mun are gonna rp before the log I have posted, so when you're ready, just make a comment and I'll adjust the first post to whatever makes sense once our rp is going))
WHERE ARE MY BABIES! I just let them go for a minute to eat and they were just playing with that...and...and....
Oh god...where are the....wait...where am I?! Uhm...Mr. J? Puddin? Red? ...Bats? Oh my head....I swear to god if I'm stuck in somebodies weird evil plans you'll be sorry! LET ME OUTTA HERE!!!